poison oak

poison oak. Picture of a Poison Oak Leaves
  • Picture of a Poison Oak Leaves

  • cmaier
    Apr 20, 11:58 AM
    According to the analysis, it is in the suit, as part of the trade dress claims.

    Not as a separate thing. It's the grid IN COMBINATION with the other things that constitutes the trade dress.

    poison oak. Poison Ivy, Poison Oak,
  • Poison Ivy, Poison Oak,

  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 4, 05:05 PM
    (Unfortunately this is an actual screen grab of their website from today - they are not homophobic at all, really...)

    Woof. Those guys are hot. :cool:

    poison oak. poison Ivy or poison oak?
  • poison Ivy or poison oak?

  • Hellhammer
    Apr 9, 01:29 AM
    TDP != Max power draw

    It's not. See my earlier post in this thread. Maximum power dissipation is usually 20-30% more.

    poison oak. Poison Oak
  • Poison Oak

  • yg17
    Mar 4, 01:53 PM
    Logic is my source. Society needs people, no people means no society. If there were no more babies society would eventually collapse.

    The problem with your "logic" is that not everybody is gay. Homosexuality is nothing new, gay people have been around for a long time, and humanity is surviving.

    poison oak. Slide Show for album
  • Slide Show for album

  • brownpaw
    Jun 14, 11:56 AM
    Does Radio Shack have access to your AT&T
    account to determine your upgrade price?

    Basically, yes.

    poison oak. Those lovely poison oak
  • Those lovely poison oak

  • iGary
    Aug 15, 11:39 AM
    I would have thought that the Final Cut Pro benchmark would have really blown away the G5 - not so much, right?

    Awesome on FileMaker and I can't wait to see how this stuff runs Adobe PS Natively.

    poison oak. Poison Oak NASTY!
  • Poison Oak NASTY!

  • Doctor Q
    Jul 14, 04:02 PM
    top heavy is just idiotic.Case designers aren't perfect, but they aren't idiots either. Some PCs have power supplies on top, despite the top heaviness and the extra path for the power cable. What's the reason? There must be some tradeoff involved or they'd never build them that way.

    poison oak. to Identify Poison Oak.
  • to Identify Poison Oak.

  • kdarling
    Apr 19, 04:04 PM
    You made up your mind and you argue accordingly.

    No, that's why I used questions. I'd really like to know if anyone thinks a normal buyer would think the Galaxy is made by Apple.

    Consider this: Many people know the name "iPhone" and the way it looks, they may even know the name "Macintosh", but not the name "Apple".

    They might have talked to someone who used an iPhone and was very happy with it, were convinced to buy one, and go to a shop and pick up the phone that looks exactly like the one they wanted to buy.

    And end up with a Samsung phone when they actually wanted an iPhone.

    So your argument is that someone would be familiar with the iPhone UI but not know it's made by Apple?

    And that therefore when they went to buy an iPhone, they'd totally ignore the words Samsung Galaxy on the box simply because... what? some of the icons look similar?

    Well, who knows. It's certainly happened with Chinese knockoffs!

    poison oak. Poison Oak A better pic
  • Poison Oak A better pic

  • Dunepilot
    Nov 29, 10:45 AM
    No actually, I represent recording artists, songwriters and producers. I am on the other side usually trying to fight the labels for every nickle an artist can try to get. However, because of that, I am on the same page with them in trying to get my artists and writers compensated from a digital marketplace that only pays for a small percentage of the material transferred. My artists only get paid for between 10 - 20% of the digital material out there (the rest pirated), so, anywhere we can get some income, even if through this flawed iPod royalty, I support.

    I am just sick of people who think that they have a right to free music. Why don't you all think you have a right to free computers, or free software. How dare Apple charge you for iLife?

    If all of you on here bought all of your music either from iTunes or from a record store, then, absolutely, complain away if that dollar is passed on to you. But, which is likely in just about every case, you have a few songs you burned off a friend's CD or downloaded from a file-sharing site, then shut up, you are the reason this is necessary.

    I suspect you may be trolling, but this is the most moronic statement I've seen on a board for some time now.

    If you actually knew anything about the ethos of MacRumors and its forums, you'd know that people who post here are quite vehemently anti-piracy. What's the betting you actually work for Universal or Microsoft and are being paid to post this nonsense? Pretty likely, I'd say.

    Oh yeah - for anyone who thinks most music these days sucks, you're just looking in the wrong place. Major labels ceased to produce anything of worth quite some time ago. Dig a little deeper and there's a wealth of wonderful music being made right now (and over the last 10 years specifically).

    poison oak. I got into Poison Oak and was
  • I got into Poison Oak and was

  • RebootD
    Mar 31, 05:24 PM

    Just speaking to your 'year of the linux' quote that's all.

    poison oak. Western Poison Oak Photo
  • Western Poison Oak Photo

  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 22, 01:02 AM
    I agree. The Democrats will, of course, push Obama for a second-term and thus our opposition candidates are all GOP, none of whom are serious contenders for improving our present situation.

    Obama is far from perfect. But all of the known GOP contenders (Huckabee, Palin, Bachmann, Romney, Paul etc etc) are completely unacceptable.

    If I read the Obama administration correctly, the US involvement will be very limited and while "advisors" are certainly on the ground

    At this stage I doubt we have any boots on the ground. Communication with the opposition leadership is still patchy but they have made it clear they do not want foreign soldiers in-country. It will be best if the situation can be resolved without further foreign military intervention.

    poison oak. lots of poison oak.
  • lots of poison oak.

  • bernardoruas
    Jun 8, 09:13 PM
    are we goona be able to buy contract free iPhone 4? i don't even think about unlocked but contract free for a reasonable price would be great.

    poison oak. A poison oak rash picture,
  • A poison oak rash picture,

  • jeremy.king
    Jun 15, 09:58 AM
    My wife walked into store about an hour ago. Reserved a 16GB and a 32GB without issue. We were offered store credit for trade-ins but don't have to decide until we purchase, and $20 accessory credit as well. We were informed that we may not get them on launch day, but we would have them by 6/28 at the latest. I'm fine with this, and so far I'm pleased with Radio Shack.

    poison oak. the poison oak encroaching
  • the poison oak encroaching

  • bigwig
    Nov 28, 07:37 PM
    1) Who says the people who actually make the music would get any of this money in the first place?

    My bet is that artist's contracts only pay out on music sales, not hardware royalties. Thus the cdrom tax and ipod royalties are profits they don't have to share with artists despite their pious rhetoric about how they need these revenues because piracy hurts recording artists.

    poison oak. Poison Oak In The Green Phase
  • Poison Oak In The Green Phase

  • Popeye206
    Apr 11, 02:17 PM
    LOL at all of the people saying it's a big mistake and bad move on Apple's part. They know what they are doing. Why would they do something that would hurt their iPhone sales?!

    They just put out the iPhone 4 verizon. If they refresh in June they will have to do both AT&T and Verizon. Otherwise, Verizon will always play second fiddle with updates. Dumb move. They are waiting for enough time to pass where it won't be just 6 months between verizon updates.

    I don't think Apple is waiting because of the Verizon phone. I think they just are making more changes than just simple upgrades and it's going to take longer. I think they also see that iPhone4 sales are still heathy so why rush it?

    Release iOS 5.0 this summer, then follow-up with the new iPhone5 in the fall. Keep up the momentum and slaughter the competition in the fall during the busiest season for gadgets.

    I see nothing wrong with the iPhone5 in the fall. "Na sayers" can say what they want, but in the long run it does not matter as long as the iPhone5 is a healthy upgrade.

    The only downside is, Apple may be so darn busy in the fall with new products, that you won't even be able to get in their stores!

    poison oak. Atlantic Poison-Oak
  • Atlantic Poison-Oak

  • Chupa Chupa
    Apr 8, 04:59 AM
    This is such a B.S. story. Apple to BB is like a minor star in the galaxy; if it goes out few will notice. Remember all those years BB didn't sell Apple products and did fine? Apple just doesn't have that kind of pull with a big box store. And every manufacturer knows that getting stores to behave as they'd like them to is like hearding cats.

    Until Apple can get more of its own stores it needs BB more than BB needs it. So I doubt Apple went all hurt or p.o.'d girlfriend on them.

    poison oak. Gallery :: California 2008
  • Gallery :: California 2008

  • noahtk
    Apr 6, 01:55 PM
    WE CAN ONLY HOPE!!! A price drop would be nice too.

    poison oak. I#39;d always heard Poison Oak
  • I#39;d always heard Poison Oak

  • Keebler
    Apr 10, 04:01 PM
    i know i'll be hanging around my macs looking for internet news on Tuesday.

    I do think it was a pr*ck move they pulled - one i would have expected from the microsoft of old holding everyone by the short n' curlys! :(

    And, I didn't travel much, but did a few times and I know i wouldn't be happy if my trip to Vegas was suddenly cancelled b/c of showboating.

    I worked for a software company years ago and those events were months, if not a full year's worth of planning, energy and sales forecasted. Such a crucial way for a company to interact with their users.

    Let's hope the release justifies forcing the other sponsors to pull.

    poison oak. Poison Oak Distribution By
  • Poison Oak Distribution By

  • jfinn1976
    Jun 14, 03:56 PM
    My local RS said 7:30 pre-orders start on tues the 15th, I sure hope you don't wait until thurs.

    Apr 10, 08:52 PM
    In fact the very first version of FCP was announced at Supermeet.

    Was the supermeet focused on something else at one point? Because otherwise that sounds a little hard to believe that a usergroup would exist for a product that wasn't out yet...

    "Hey Bill, we should go to the Final Cut Pro Supermeet this year. I hear they're going to talk about a new editing program called Final Cut Pro- sounds pretty neat."

    Mar 31, 02:53 PM
    Oh, then I can take the Honeycomb source code and do whatever I want with it?

    Oh, wait, I can't? Then how doesn't this make Android 'closed source'?

    At least with Gingerbread (2.3), the source code wasn't available until it was officially released (on android.git.kernel.org). A few days after the release of Gingerbread, I could see the gingerbread branch.

    Honeycomb is still not released as far as I know. When it's released and the code is not available, then we can talk.

    Until then, it like a G5 powerbook :-D

    Apr 27, 09:40 AM
    It's nice that this month's "Apple-gate" story will start to die. I can't wait to see what the media generates next month in the "Apple-gate" saga.


    C'mon, Apple competitors, think up your next outrage.

    Aug 11, 02:51 PM
    In terms of the global mobile market, it is.

    The network coverage in America is just awful too. Until I moved to England, I thought that mobile communications were generally problematic. Now I realize that American cellular service just sucks. Even in NYC.

    See now that is something I never understood, how the cell service can be so poor in a place like NYC, yet I was making calls on my CDMA phone in the middle of Wyoming this summer. In fact, there are few places in very unpopulated midwest and west that you can't get a decent signal at least with a CDMA phone. People that come here with GSM are out of luck anywhere except metro areas.

    Apr 8, 12:13 AM
    I wouldn't be surprised. The quota explanation was given already, but they might also be holding back stock of the cheaper models in order to drive more sales of the higher end ones. "Oh, you wanted the 16 gig wifi model? Sorry, all sold out. But we do have this lovely 64 gig 3G version. If you really want the iPad 2, this is your big chance... it's only a little bit more..."

    That happened to me, almost, when I bought the original iPad from Best Buy here in Canada on our launch day last year. The guy almost smirked when he said, sorry, the 16 gig ones were all sold out, but they had plenty of the 64 gig models. Luckily I persisted and he managed to find one more 16 gig, the last one! How lucky was that! :rolleyes:

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