jaycee dugard now

jaycee dugard now. New Jaycee Dugard Photo!
  • New Jaycee Dugard Photo!

  • excalibur313
    Aug 7, 05:07 PM
    Do you think that the developers who get a copy of leopard will have access to the top secret features? If so then I wouldn't doubt if some of the features got leaked faster than apple intended. Heck, last time within a week tiger as an os was lead. Yes I know the guy was sued but it would have been very hard to track who did it if he hadn't put everything he was doing in a blog.

    jaycee dugard now. Poor Jaycee Dugard, 29.
  • Poor Jaycee Dugard, 29.

  • aristotle
    Apr 6, 04:10 PM
    Real tablet OS, Full internet, True multitasking - the list's expanding fast :D
    Define "Real Tablet OS" considering that Honeycomb is just an extension of Android with some new UI controls. That means that Honeycomb is no "more" of a tablet OS than iOS and Apple stated that iOS started out on a prototype tablet before being shrunk to a phone.

    jaycee dugard now. With Jaycee Dugard, Kathay
  • With Jaycee Dugard, Kathay

  • MetalMoon
    Apr 5, 04:55 PM
    I'm hoping for 64 bit!!!

    jaycee dugard now. Jaycee Lee Dugard
  • Jaycee Lee Dugard

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 3, 05:13 AM
    Bill, I would love to hear your explanation for the position of the male prostate.
    I don't understand the question. Whatever it means, I wouldn't assume that having, say, genitals, means that I'm always morally free to have sex. If everyone with genitals were always morally free to do that, homosexually abusive pedophile priests would have been morally free to molest their victims.

    IYou might say, "Bill, if the sex was consensual, maybe there nothing morally wrong with it." But people can coerce others into consenting.
    A quick side note: Sexual tension is most often the cause for anger, jealousy and frustration. So, if everyone had at least one good orgasm every day, the world would be a much more relaxed and peaceful place and we wouldn't have the need for silly discussions such as these.
    Most often? How many are jealous of others because the others are right, because they drive fancy cars, etc.?

    Some may feel relaxed about something because they've deadened their consciences that rightly warned them against it.. In that case, a discussion such as this one may be needed, even if the participants don't feel any sexual tension.

    jaycee dugard now. Jaycee Dugard#39;s book due out
  • Jaycee Dugard#39;s book due out

  • Rangers30
    Apr 8, 06:06 AM
    Why anyone would ever choose to buy an Apple product at Best Buy over the Apple Store is beyond me. :confused:

    0% interest on BB credit card? Believe me, it's the only reason I did. Their service was beyond ******. I had to practically haul someone down by the ankles to get them to notice me loitering by the Macbooks.

    jaycee dugard now. jaycee-dugard-in-people-
  • jaycee-dugard-in-people-

  • Elvin77
    Mar 22, 01:24 PM
    Blackberry playbook = The IPad 2 killer - you heard it here first.

    Look at the specs, their greater or equal to the iPad 2 with the exception of battery life.

    1) Battery life IS a big deal

    2) Are we forgetting about apps? The best hardware in the world is useless unless there are apps to make it sing. A $200 tablet can surf the web just as good as the playbook.

    jaycee dugard now. Brad Pitt Angelina Jolie
  • Brad Pitt Angelina Jolie

  • epitaphic
    Aug 20, 08:07 AM
    Not every professional is going to need more than 4 cores let alone be willing to pay for it. I think the more processors, the more specialized the computer is going to become.
    This is precisely the transition we've been seeing for some time, becoming more and more apparent every 6 months. Computers are no longer general purpose machines. It's already happened to consumers: machines today are way more than what's needed for web and email. For prosumers, its just about right, for gamers, you can never have enough single core + GPU power.

    I think its fair to say to that the Mac Pro is in a way too specialized already. If you look at it's server RAM for example, which group of professionals benefits from its strengths? How many professionals will actually be able to get close to using all four cores during their normal workflow?

    The way i see it, there are about 8 mainstream lines of professionals:

    - 3D Artists
    - Coders
    - Graphic Designers
    - IT
    - Multimedia Artists
    - Musicians
    - Photographers
    - Video Editors

    Who can fully utilize 4 cores right now? I'd say possibly 3D Artists, Musicians(quad G5 only), and IT.

    Sure everyone else will probably get a 15% kick in performance in some apps but for the most part, 4 core Mac Pro is not going to make your apps run any faster (it does give the machine more headroom for ample multitasking though). Of course at the moment there is only a 4 core Mac Pro so it's a bit academic to discuss the fact that a 2 core Mac Pro would be just as productive and much more cost effective. However, as most of you probably already know, there are good chances of an 8 core Mac Pro in January.

    Sidenote: This sort of update (new machine in August, new machine following January) is not new. It happened in 2002-2003 resulting in the top of the line machine introduced in August to drop 40% in price in January.

    So the interesting thing to speculate now is, if most of us have a hard time utilizing a quad to its full potential, what would an 8 core do for you? I know its not cost effective for apple at the moment, but in the future I suspect we'll be seeing 4-8 lines of professional macs.

    jaycee dugard now. Jaycee Dugard was kidnapped
  • Jaycee Dugard was kidnapped

  • avkills
    Jul 14, 02:35 PM
    Man if they put the power supply on the top that would just be insanely stupid. 2 Optical drives is fine by me, although I am good with just one. But the post above about a Blu-Ray drive would make having 2 logical, one is Blue-ray, other is DVD/CD +/- RW.


    jaycee dugard now. Jaycee Dugard Asks For Privacy
  • Jaycee Dugard Asks For Privacy

  • notjustjay
    Apr 8, 12:13 AM
    I wouldn't be surprised. The quota explanation was given already, but they might also be holding back stock of the cheaper models in order to drive more sales of the higher end ones. "Oh, you wanted the 16 gig wifi model? Sorry, all sold out. But we do have this lovely 64 gig 3G version. If you really want the iPad 2, this is your big chance... it's only a little bit more..."

    That happened to me, almost, when I bought the original iPad from Best Buy here in Canada on our launch day last year. The guy almost smirked when he said, sorry, the 16 gig ones were all sold out, but they had plenty of the 64 gig models. Luckily I persisted and he managed to find one more 16 gig, the last one! How lucky was that! :rolleyes:

    jaycee dugard now. Jaycee Dugard was 11 when she
  • Jaycee Dugard was 11 when she

  • Rot'nApple
    Apr 8, 06:56 AM
    Quota? Are these guys idiots?

    Best Buy isn't the only place to buy these... I've thought through the various marketing gimmicks, and really none apply here. Why would they do this...

    Maybe BB spreading out what inventory it does receive so as to give other potential customers coming the next day and the day after that and the day after that a possible opportunity to actually get one if they are lucky to be there and BB hadn't sold their quota for the day versus nope don't have any don't know when next shipment coming in.

    Which is what I was told on several occasions from the Apple rep at BB. It was her suggestion when the store last received iPads to check online that same day for inventory status. Sure enough, week later BB was showing a pitiful quantity of only a few models, but I was able to purchase from BB my iPad sooner than some of the people griping on these message boards that their online order placed weeks ago still hadn't been filled. Apple quota anyone?

    It's one thing to intro a product and not know whether it will be a hit or not and you wouldn't want a glut of inventory, but haven't these inventory shortage issues, until things settle out, been seen with the iPhone 4! 4 not 1...

    Not excusing BB but just a thought to the question why would BB put a quota on the limited availability iPad 2.

    jaycee dugard now. Jaycee Lee Dugard appears
  • Jaycee Lee Dugard appears

  • lazyrighteye
    Aug 11, 10:33 AM
    Please let it be good so I can trash my Treo.

    My Treo is best smart phone I have used. That said, it's nowhere NEAR where I expect an Apple offering to be - when/if discussing integration.
    Depending on what Apple unveils, I am very ready to cut my contract w/ VZW if it means a better user experience than what I am getting now.

    jaycee dugard now. jaycee dugard 09 Place where
  • jaycee dugard 09 Place where

  • Raidersmojo
    Jun 16, 05:33 PM
    I work for radioshack and they were doing a nationwide release at the same time for iphone 4, because when we did the evo release, the east coast took all the phones before the west got anything.

    this time they did a major release at 12:00 Central. totally screwed everyone since everyone waited for 1 to generate pins.

    luckily, got two for customers, and four for myself (had my dad buy them)

    two 32 Gigs and two 16's. I hope they come because our manager was talking about how potentially we might not get the phone.

    jaycee dugard now. Garrido Jaycee Dugard
  • Garrido Jaycee Dugard

  • bob5820
    Sep 13, 04:57 PM
    if it follows typical intel transitions price point replace. So the same price as woodcrests. They might introduce faster ones though that cost more. We'll see before the end of the year. According to tha Anandtech article its likely that the Clovertown family will be clocked slower then the Woodcrests

    jaycee dugard now. Kidnapping Jaycee Dugard
  • Kidnapping Jaycee Dugard

  • rayz
    Aug 8, 03:08 AM
    Well I for one was kind of disappointed. Leopard is sort of Apple's chance to prove they can out-Vista Vista, and I'm not really sure what we saw today does it. I've been following Vista somewhat closely, and it really does catch Windows up to OS X in terms of features and prettiness.

    I really think most of the features shown off today are already present in Windows (I've definitely heard about all of them before) or will be in Vista, and it's too bad Apple didn't have anything truly innovative to show us. Hopefully those secret features are something good...

    The other thing that has me a little concerned is the huge amount of Vista-bashing that went on. I feel like if Leopard at this point were truly better than Vista, they'd be silent about Vista entirely and let the new system speak for itself. That would be really slick. That's not what happened however, and instead there was a lot of "look what Vista copied from us" and "check out how much better Leopard is." What I saw today, though, makes the former statement sound whiney and the latter sound foolish, since in my eyes, in terms of features, they're about on-par with each other.

    I really hope Apple pulls it together. They've got to do this right, because come next year, most of the myriad reasons for switching to a Mac will be nullified by Vista.

    BTW: whoever this "Platform Experience" guy is, get him off the stage and go back to Steve.

    Have to agree with you on just about everything. If MS tried to release something like this, as anything other than a service pack, their user base would (quite rightly) crucify them.

    The TimeMachine mirrors the same functionality that was announced for Vista about a week ago, and everything else is an upgrade rather than anything really new. I was expecting more from the desktop switching, but I have a feeling that will look much different when it's actually released.

    But since there is some other stuff planned, then it's best to wait and see what they come up with, before declaring it a dud.

    Looks like a nice solid revision so far, but not much else.

    .. and given the universal unpopularity of Microsoft's Flip3D interface, I was surprised to see it showing up in the UI for TimeMachine.

    jaycee dugard now. Jaycee+dugard+interview
  • Jaycee+dugard+interview

  • guet
    Aug 12, 06:28 AM
    I've never paid for a phone up til now (as is the case with most UK residents I'd assume) so it would be an impressive feat if Apple can persuade people in this type of marketplace to actually put their hands in their pockets for a phone.

    I'd pay a couple of hundred pounds for an iPod, so I'd definitely pay that for an iPod which happened to be a phone, pda, gps combo. Millions of iPod/pda users are the market for this kind of device, so it's not the entire phone market, but a good slice of it.

    jaycee dugard now. Jaycee Kidnap: New Tent
  • Jaycee Kidnap: New Tent

  • daneoni
    Aug 25, 03:52 PM
    Another person who can never be satisfied.:rolleyes:

    What is that even supposed to mean?

    jaycee dugard now. See what Jaycee Dugard looks
  • See what Jaycee Dugard looks

  • leekohler
    Mar 3, 10:30 AM

    No, but standing on your porch and walking to a restaurant are usually morally indifferent actions.

    Lee, first, do me a favor when we correspond with each other, would you? Please don't say "feel" when you mean "believe" or "think." This conversation isn't about emotion. It's about truths and falsehoods.

    Second, by the definition of sodomy at the dictionary at Dictionary.Reference.com), same-sex couples do engage in sodomy (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/sodomy).

    Oh please. Can the condescension. If you know what I meant, there no reason for you to give me a dictionary link. And gee- could you be a little more insulting assuming that I don't know what sodomy is? Wow. Hey Bill, newsflash- I'm an adult- 43 years old. I went to college. I know what words mean, but I guess I should have been more clear and said "anal sex". Next time I will. I also know that people express themselves with words in different ways and that words can have several meanings due to their context. Apparently you do too. And by the way, I did mean "feel", not "believe". Your zeal on this subject is indicative of that.

    Third, if the Catholic Church is right, I didn't make the rules. God did.

    That's an awfully big "if" Bill- and certainly not one I'm willing to bet my life on. BTW- man made God and the Bible. You guys made your own rules.

    Fourth, again, I say what I believe. Others need to chose what they'll do. I'm not their dictator. I'm not their lawgiver. But if they're doing something they shouldn't do, they may get negative consequences here or hereafter. But I won't give them them those consequences. I won't punish anyone for what he does in his bedroom. I don't have the authority to do that. And I don't want Big Brother to spy on same-sex attracted people when they're in bed together. I'm not going to ask my policeman friend Kurt to batter down your bedroom door if I think you're having sex. Moral rightness or wrongness is one thing. Whether it's prudent to outlaw some potentially immoral action is something else.

    But you want to make sure Big Brother keeps us from being able to marry. You absolutely do. It's about control for you, Bill. Admit it.

    Fifth, sure some opposite-sex sex is dangerous, too. Whether a man or a woman is the recipient, anal sex an cause colon leakage. Anal sex kills epithelial cells and semen suppresses the recipient's immune system. It needs to do that during vaginal sex, too, because if it didn't do it, white blood cells would attack the sperm. Vaginas are well-suited for sex partly because they contain a natural lubricant that rectums don't contain. Does anyone notice a hint of natural teleology there, hmm?

    They're called condoms, Bill. Sensible people use them to protect against the very things you describe. Because ya know, we DO know about such things. Oh wait- that's against your Catholic teaching. So much so, that your religion tells people in Africa not to use them, making the AIDS epidemic even worse. Thanks for that.

    Sixth, for people who think I'm trying to control them or punish them, I'll put the shoe one the other foot. How many liberals attack Beck personally when they don't even listen to him? How many try to shout down conservatives or to silence them when they say something that the shouters and the would-be silencers hate to hear? How many generalize hastily about people "like me" when they assume that anyone who thinks "gay" sex is immoral is obviously a hateful homophobe? How many would try to limit my free speech by outlawing my so-called hate speech? How many don't distinguish between condemning a person and condemning an action?

    Bill- if you were sincere about this, you would support the gay rights movement and support equal marriage rights for gay people. Your examples are silly. Everyone has the right to speak out against opinions they oppose. In none of the examples you used is anyone trying to legally deny anyone anything. People are entitled to their opinions. people are NOT entitled to deny others legal rights simply because they disagree with them. No one is trying to pass a law against Glenn Beck or you. You guys ARE trying to pass laws against us.

    jaycee dugard now. Jaycee Lee Dugard in 1991
  • Jaycee Lee Dugard in 1991

  • Kilamite
    Apr 12, 03:09 PM
    What's the UK time?


    jaycee dugard now. How did Jaycee Dugard#39;s
  • How did Jaycee Dugard#39;s

  • 0racle
    Mar 31, 04:31 PM
    Oh, then I can take the Honeycomb source code and do whatever I want with it?

    Oh, wait, I can't? Then how doesn't this make Android 'closed source'?

    Sure, just buy a Honeycomb powered device. Until then Google has no legal requirement to let you have the GPL portions of source. As for the rest, it is licensed under an Apache License, which does not require Google release the source at all but does allow a user to modify and redistribute what they do have.

    FOSS does not mean they have to put the source out in the open.

    Aug 11, 04:03 PM
    That may be, but I highly doubt every infant, elderly folks, and the poverty stricken all have cell phones. If that's the case, then I'd have to say that there are a lot of people who's financial priorities are kinda messed.

    No, not really. You see, mobile phone is cheaper to use than landline in many countries, especially for mobile to mobile calls. And when everyone else has a mobile phone, if you want to be connected you're better off buying a mobile.

    Apr 6, 01:43 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Does this mean I should cancel my order on the 11" Mac Book Air 1.4GZ, I got it with 4GB ram and it's a refurb so I saved some cash. Should I wait until June.

    Thanks in advance for your advise!!

    Some at MR asking for hearfelt advice?

    My advice: sure; why not wait.


    Apr 11, 05:42 PM
    Do you really think they care? Even if they make a phone that doesn't make calls people will think it's the greatest innovation in the history of mankind.
    This is so true it's sickening.

    The number one function I'd like to see in the upcoming model is a phone that works as well as every other smartphone I own. Then I'd be able to rely on it, and promote it to my primary phone. Id like nothing better.

    Jul 24, 04:39 PM
    Not really. Yorkfield is the 8 core follow on to Kentsfield in the Conroe class motherboard. Should be shipping by next Spring.

    Next Spring??? Can you please point me to the source of that information.

    I don't believe Intel can go to 8 core chip before going to a true 4 core instead of 2 dual cores on the MCM. That may have to wait till the process moves to 45nm and they have the Common System Interface worked out i.e. towards the end of 2007. This is all an educated guess on my part ... nothing concrete.

    Apr 20, 11:08 AM
    Okay, Knight, you're right. Even the Verizon Galaxy S has more buttons and a patterned back, with a rectangular lens and flash area. Not to mention a WVGA AMOLED screen.

    But it does have a chrome trim ring and the back is curved for comfort!

    Yeah, Apple is reaching a bit here.

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