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  • rayz
    Aug 8, 06:06 AM
    take it easy on them, they saved apple's ass in the 90's. if it weren't for them apple would have gone 'rupt. they also have to worry about a thousand different hardware configurations whereas os x 10 has to worry about the mac line.. give 'em a break. (not an ms fanboy) :mad:

    That is not strictly true. The MS purchase of Apple shares was little more than a token gesture to show that MS still believed in the company. It was good publicity for Apple, but it really did fall far short of 'saving their asses'.

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  • Slim02
    Mar 14, 08:39 PM
    Now that brings back some nice memories ... Walkman, Discman, ... and Sony can make at times really nice designs.

    What are you talking about.. Sony still made Walkman and

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  • Shoulder Length Hairstyles

  • kfred
    Apr 19, 09:26 AM
    Aristo, as much as I'd like to pounce on that offer, I feel inclined to suggest you instead set up a SlingBox instead. You surely must have a family member in the states whose TV you can set this up on. The iPad app seems great, but you are confined to viewing on a 10" screen. With a slingbox you can view on your iPad, iPhone, computer and TV. I live in NYC and have a sling box set up at my father's house. I watch HDTV on my 40" Samsung -- On Demand and all that jazz -- for free.

    The iPad Optimum is just an auxiliary service I want to set up as an alternative (and on a different TV, with a different cable plan, and in a different county--different programming).

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  • MrSmith
    Oct 12, 08:05 AM
    By 'upside down' he means rotated 180 degrees, as if it was typed on a calculator display which was then viewed upside down.

    I know... :rolleyes: :)

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  • adam-uk
    Dec 6, 04:45 AM
    yeah, when your installing tiger I think its mandatory to insert disc 2. Cannot apple send replacement discs?

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  • Shoulder Length Medium Layered

  • sivaprakash
    Apr 6, 09:39 AM

    I am trying to load an URL in WebView and I am getting an error "Browser not Supported. Please try a more recent version, or a different browser."

    URL that I am trying to load (model)*****

    Code that I am using to load is

    NSString *urlText ;

    urlText = @"*****";

    [[webView mainFrame] loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:urlText]]];

    Can someone help me what is wrong in my code ? Or do I need to Upgrade. I may machine Safari is the default browser. But if use the browser to load this URL works fine I am facing issue only with the WebView at the same time other sites like and others are working well.


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  • WRXHokie
    Oct 26, 07:20 PM
    Awesome pics... i'm jealous guys. I wish i wasnt here packing my crap up to move.

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  • nanofrog
    Apr 22, 09:00 AM
    So I decided to go with the Areca 1880ix-12 since word on the internet :) is it outperforms the latest offerings from ATTO. Does it come with an 8088 cable as well to connect external storage solution or just the 8087 internal?

    Also with this MaxConnect HDD adapter solution for 3rd party RAID should I go with this one with no miniSAS cable:
    I presume the Areca controller already comes with an 8087 miniSAS to 4xSATA header cable, do I still need the miniSAS cable that MaxConnect are including in that latter package ? In general do you I need any other accessories besides the ones that come with this MaxConnect pack to connect my 4x SATA HDD's to the controller ?
    The card only comes with fan-out cables (SFF-8087 to 4i*SATA/SAS ends; 1x per SFF-8087 port, so in the case of the ARC-1880ix12, it will come with 3x of them).

    In theory, you could order the version of the Maxupgrades kit without the MiniSAS cable, but it wouldn't be a bad idea to go ahead and get it (it may be shorter, as those that come with the Areca are 0.5 meters in length). Assuming the cable with the kit is shorter, it won't be as messy as a longer cable could be in terms of routing (those that have used that particular kit haven't mentioned it was a mess that I recall).

    You won't need any other cabling to connect the card to the HDD bays (it all comes in the MaxUpgrades kit).

    If you want to use an internal port with an external enclosure, there's a special cable you'd need to get for this. If you want to use the external port (keep in mind, this typically shares ports with an internal connector in past models, such as the 1680 series), you'd need to buy one. Either way, these do not come with the card, and you'd only need to get them if you're planning on running an external enclosure/s.

    BTW, stick to 1.0 meters or less with SATA disks (1.0 m tends to be the shortest you can get off the shelf, but other lengths are possible via a custom order - I've done this before), and do not use the PCI bracket mount adapters to take internal to external cables (results in instability due to contact resistance - been through this battle before). These adapters are meant to be used with SAS, which runs at a much higher signal voltage (20V) than internal SATA (400mV).

    As for flashing I'll take your advice and do it through firefox, the older version too and not the new 4 that just came out. So it's browser management\flashing utility is available irrespective of whether the card is flashed to EFI yet or not? Considering that it would by default be with BIOS I presume this to be the case?
    You don't need to use the older version of Firefox. I was referring to Safari in terms of older versions that had been tried and didn't work (not tried Safari 5, but given past revisions, I'd skip even trying it when I know Firefox will work properly).

    As per how to do it, a browser works in any OS supported by the card (browser connects via an IP address assigned to the RAID card). Now the firmware is actually in 4 parts (i.e. what you'd get in a firmware download off of Areca's support site). Assuming you don't need to upgrade anything else, you just use EFI to replace BOOT.bin, which is the BIOS version (leave the others alone).

    There should be instructions in the manual that comes with the card fif you're a bit confused (it's in the others, so it should be there this go around as well). There's also confirmation check boxes to be marked before any flash is actually performed anyway (nice little safety feature), so you can look around without causing problems.

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  • 2011 Medium Length Haircuts.

  • maxp1
    Aug 7, 06:24 PM
    Wonder how much they paid Connectix just to abandon it.

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  • zane
    Mar 30, 10:28 AM
    Well I would like to know what the creative minds of macrumors thoughts on what Wii and DS interaction might actually do.

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  • Medium length

  • mdntcallr
    Sep 13, 10:16 AM
    am i the only one a little disappointed at the Apple announcements?

    Here's why:
    1- only 1 studio signed on for movies, they are purchases, not rentals also.
    2- ipod changes are not dramatic, more like minor tweaks. Ipod nano even is using an older case design. video ipod is a serious letdown, looks like they can't get the 16:9 model working.
    3- no ipod/smartphone/treo type device.

    it is like apple knew they didnt have great announcements so they announced the Itv device.

    Some positives though:
    1- Updated Itunes 7 Looks alot nicer, runs better. Hell i even have the pics for all of my owned cd's i ripped now.
    2- movies are starting, nice thing for apple. hope they get more studios under contract.
    3- games on ipod. this seems nice, but these games are hardly killer app's. i imagine more games over time. like there will be movies

    Apple, you really need to start

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  • bruinsrme
    May 5, 07:19 AM
    Check here

    layered shoulder length hairstyles. Medium Layered Hairstyles.
  • Medium Layered Hairstyles.

  • firsttube
    Oct 9, 02:42 AM
    Speaking as a T-Mobile customer, I would LOVE to have Apple working with them on the iPhone. :D

    It would make sense in a way. T-Mobile doesn't cripple their phones, unlike most of the other carriers here in the US (That's largely why I left Verizon for T-Mobile a year or so ago). An uncrippled phone would mean an iPhone that actually works the way Apple envisions.

    I have a samsung t-809 with t-mobile as my provider. video-out, and the ability to customizable the four way keys (to something other then what they do out of the box) are disabled on the phone, along with a few other features (like the ability to ring and vibrate simultaneously... how silly!). So maybe they don't cripple them to the extent of other carriers, but they certainly still cripple them.

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  • Shoulder Length Bob.

  • DucktapeFanboy
    May 6, 03:19 AM
    I ordered my 27" HDD+SSD on the phone and asked the apple employe about the long delivery time. He told what we are waiting for so long are not the SSDs themself to arrive but some new controllers for them. The benefit of waiting for those will be that the new generation iMac SSDs will be faster than the previous generation. He went on explaining that apple decided to release the new iMacs ahead of the arrival of the new controllers so only a few customers (those ordering SSDs) have to wait longer. I can't garantee that the explaination he offered me is correct. But this is what he told me.

    One thing on the bright side though: I asked him about the "Back to school" promotion and those free iPodtouchs that were given away last year because some people on this forum are expecting this promotion to start again this year in late may. Well, he couldn't comment on when this promo is going to start this year. But he told me if the promo starts before my iMac gets delivered i should give him a call and he'll see what he can do. Of course thats not a promise but he really sounded optimistic about it.

    Keep in mind this is just what a low level apple salesmen told me. But i put my confidence in it.

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  • Shoulder Length Hairstyles

  • benhollberg
    Mar 18, 10:34 AM
    I got mine at the super target at fort union. They had 4 yesterday. The was 1 guy who took 1 and i took 1. So if you are lucky they mit still have some.

    I'm going to call them as soon as I can. Do they have a limit of one per person, why didn't you buy two?

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  • OutThere
    Dec 3, 11:58 AM
    Having Apache running on your computer, and the appropriate ports open on your firewall does theoretically make your computer more vulnerable, but in reality it's definitely not a "sure fire way to get hacked". As long as you take appropriate security measures, like having your firewall set up correctly and turning off things such as Server Signature your chances of getting hacked are quite slim. Apache is what powers a large portion of websites across the world, and if it in itself was that vulnerable websites would go down a lot.

    Having a dynamic IP will greatly decrease your chances of getting hacked, as well, because it will change each time your modem gets reset, making your virtually un-findable for any would-be hackers. (Unless you use some sort of DynDNS service that is).

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  • This medium length hairstyle

  • macfrik
    Mar 18, 07:06 AM
    Guys, i picked up the exact models that i wanted from target yesterday. Heard some resellers like Expercom are getting their new shpments today.. Might as well be an alternative if you cant stand in line for that long. Especially in this cold morning weather.

    Just a thought......

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  • moerkop
    Apr 26, 07:26 AM

    Apologies if this has already been covered.

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  • Coleman2010
    Apr 20, 09:33 PM
    To anyone here who wants a cracked copy of Optimum 1.0, listen up:

    I know how we can acquire this coveted gem of an app. But it's going to take a little bit of elbow grease on our parts.

    Let's start with the basics, with what we are looking for. We are looking for iPad 1 owners who have downloaded the Optimum 1.0 app. Although rare, this combination of people and things does exist. And not only that, this rare breed has graced this site, has likely even graced this thread.

    So what can we do?

    Well we have two options:

    -We can sit on our asses with our thumbs up our butts and wait for someone to give this to us.


    -We can man up, target and find these individuals and tell them them our situation, inform them of what they can do and take what is ours and what we deserve.

    If you are serious about ceasing this opportunity, then continue reading. If not, go have a bowl of ice cream or something while your mom cleans your room.

    Let's mobilize as a task force and seek out all forums members in threads from early in the month who discussed installing this app and accessing it over VPN. Even if these members do not report successfully implementing and accessing a VPN for roaming connectivity, they still might have the app installed. Let's seek these people out and PM them. It won't take long, only a few minutes of our time. But these people are out there and we need to find them. We can find them. and we will find them.

    I'm going to start now. Let's make **** happen.

    Hey man. Any idea?

    Apr 21, 10:46 AM
    Posixninja just tweeted that this is the slowest progressing jailbreak ever. I'm guessing no jb for iPad 2 anytime soon. We need geohot back

    Yeah, it appears unless there is some kind of breakthrough, we are still good 3-4 months away from a JB.

    Oct 8, 01:20 PM
    I'll be honest in saying if apple brought out a PDA/Phone/Camera thing out I'd walk over glass to get it.

    If they do it right they will sell millions, Nokia especially have kind of lost their way with the new N series phones, very buggy :(

    With microsoft already having a phone available and the Zune, which may have phone functionality its a must.

    At least in Europe most of my friends carry an iPod and phone around with them at all times. The new Sony Eric phone I have now is actually good as a walkman and I;ve thought about stopping carrying the iPod.

    So Mr Jobs if u ever read this, pull your finger out and make one! preferably GSM/UMTS :)

    Feb 14, 05:45 PM
    Is it unresponsive indefinitely?

    Plug it in and then don't touch iTunes for a minute or so, don't click anything. After a minute, then start clicking away. Does it work then?

    Feb 21, 03:08 AM
    I have made some badly spelt tweets with autocorrect but that's in a completely different league.

    Apr 27, 07:52 PM
    My retail OS X 10.4.6 Tiger looks like this:

    Image (

    Thanks, I couldn't find anything proper via Chandler's rival.

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