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  • Huntn
    Sep 2, 03:51 PM
    Can I remind you that internal guide links should be done with just the page name and double ['s (i.e [[)

    Also I think have 2 parts is more confusing than 1 big part. Thoughts?

    I have nothing against 1 big part. I was splitting my guide because the MacRumors interface was giving me messages that my guide was too big for one browser page. But I've been told by the local powers to ignore the message. :D

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  • KPOM
    Apr 5, 08:13 AM
    I like the mba, but they are so god awful slow. Maybe im just used to fast computers but no way i could use current gen of mba. Maybe next time but 6 year old tech is a bit to old for me.

    The NVIDIA 320m isn't "6 year old tech." Nor are the Toshiba SSD, HD screen, glass trackpad, or OS X 10.6. Get past the mindset that the CPU defines the computer and you'll see that the MacBook Air is a modern device. That said, I would like to see Thunderbolt in the next revision, and undoubtedly it will get Sandy Bridge sometime this year.

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  • Warp-Master
    Apr 8, 05:27 PM
    Sweet we'll see, thanks

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  • Elan0204
    Jul 29, 05:52 PM
    Well that's all find and dandy, but if you want to share your purchased music with your office so they can listent to your library, your out of luck.. That's sad and should be fixed..

    I think what you are saying is that you want to share your purchased music with others in your office that didn't purchase the music, but I'm not sure. Try rewriting your post. Assuming that what I think you are saying is what you are actually saying, the issue of not being able to share is not something that is broken, and therefore can not be "fixed." Not being able to stream the music is part of the DRM of the iTunes Music Store. You are allowed to play the file on up to 5 computers, not stream it to an unlimited number.

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  • macfrik
    Mar 28, 11:59 AM
    I was in a phone with one of the Specialist in the Apple Store and he said there will be no iPad 2s today coming in. I was just calling them to swap my iPad 2. Genius agreed to swap me with the new iPad 2 after my iPad fails.

    Just wanting to make sure whether they really dont have stock or maybe the stock is not yet coming in. I phoned about 10 am this morning. Anyone been there today and can clarify me?

    Thanks a lot

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  • Surely
    May 5, 07:04 PM
    I just don't see it happening.

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  • ViciousShadow21
    Nov 8, 08:29 PM
    mine for November

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  • saberahul
    Jan 29, 07:25 PM
    Having seen many threads pop up regarding the vzw iPhone - it may be a good idea to open a subforum under the iPhone forum as Verizon iPhone. It's just a better way of being more organized.

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  • Siggen
    Apr 16, 05:55 AM
    they are having trouble with the A5 bootrom. Looks bad.

    But a userland exploit works, at least for 4.3 and partially for 4.3.x

    Yhe reason the 4.3 jailbreak has yet to be released is that the hack contains apple code, and distrubuting the jailbreak would be piracy.

    So i think he is trying to write his own code to exchange the apple parts.

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  • notthebesttech
    Mar 2, 03:04 AM
    lol 1 last question is is it 1 cable or do i have to buy the adapter? i looked online for just one cable but i keep getting the adapter instead of 1 cord. but my guess is that you have a regular optical cord then plug the 1 end into the adapter? :S

    funny motivational sayings. funny positive quotes.
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  • thekeysarealive
    Feb 20, 02:35 PM
    Brilliant - thanks.

    Yes I'm a keyboard player but I have an acoustic piano (Steinway 1922). I'm just venturing into this brave new world!

    funny motivational sayings. funny motivational quotes
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  • andiwm2003
    Oct 4, 09:07 AM
    That has got to be one of the most irrelevant features I have ever heard of. .......................

    not irrelevant to many others. a lot of people use it for trips through the country where they take pics of buildings, scenery. there are even enough professional uses like scouting out the locations for a new golf course, new hotels, camp sites, movie set locations and many more.

    there are already other solutions for it though.

    you just have to have the time between your GPS device and your camera in sync. there are programs that map the automatically the pics to the gps location via the time when they where taken. sony has a dedicated gps but in priciple it works with all of them.

    seems that technology is then just integrated in iphoto. sounds neat.

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  • rshillshooter81
    Mar 11, 10:58 PM
    They had all wifi blacks, and all but the 16 wifi whites. They had enough for all tickets given out, but that may be about it.

    Ended up getting a 64gb White. Had a great time :)

    So no 3G?

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  • Applejuiced
    May 6, 04:05 PM
    I'm using the TTL modification and so far no text. I'm not saying that PdaNet works, just saying you can't definitively say it doesn't work just because people got the text using it.

    True, I'm not gonna bother tethering for not even one kilobyte till further notice.
    Maybe down the road we will know for sure how and what to do in order to go around this n

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  • DJDylz
    May 5, 06:29 AM
    that was my first test that I did because I successfully imported my outlook contacts from pc to mac address book.

    After that mail didn't recognize the names but it did the email addresses.

    So I added a name to the address book via right clicking the email address in the email sent to me and also by manually adding one in address book. Both still only find the contact via email address prediction.

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  • Apple Corps
    May 5, 04:47 PM
    Very simple - go to or

    Look up your machine

    They will list the proper modules and prices

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  • Beanoir
    Apr 25, 04:45 AM
    Can't be done for a number of reasons. Which i've outlined before but can't be bothered to go into again. But the answer is "NO"

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  • rrandyy
    Apr 18, 02:58 PM
    I'm looking to setup an external hard drive with my airport extreme.

    Plan to use it for:
    Time machine backups
    Air drive

    I'm looking for about 500GB to 1TB. Ideally, the drive will be setup near my TV, so it is important that it is quiet. Any suggestions for an external drive?

    Order of importance:
    1. Quiet
    2. Size (500GB+)
    3. Price
    4. Looks

    I did search, but surprisingly did not find many relevant posts. If you are aware of any, please link to them. Thanks!

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  • diotav
    Nov 11, 04:14 PM

    Mar 14, 07:22 PM
    er...whats a ZOON? (sic)

    Dec 16, 11:58 AM
    Hi there everyone!

    I got an ibook some time ago as a present from an ex boyfriend and ive been having a clearout and thought "i should sel this ibook"!

    I have only used it a few times and i think its such a waste to be lying in the cupboard not getting used.

    How much should i sell it for or what is it reasonably worth? Heres some details about it:

    Apple Mac ibook version 2.2
    Processor: 700mhz, Power PC G3
    Mac OS X versoin 10.2.8
    Airport card installed
    Internet/broadband ready
    Mains Charger
    CD drive

    Thanks in advance for all your help everyone!

    May 2, 02:04 PM
    i'm in the process of setting up a website for a client which will be offering paid services (fitness related) through their website, and would like some advice on what would be the best, and possibly cheapest way (for the client) to do this in order to accept payments for different services.

    should i use a shopping cart based system? would they need some special certificate/license to accept credit cards?

    paypal or google checkout?

    i also need it to send some kind of a receipt to the customer which would give a very detailed description of what they're getting, how much it costs, etc. i've browsed around through different sites and found one that utilized paypal where it had a drop down menu where you could pick one option and then you could click pay now button, and it would allow you to pay for that. is the drop down menu something that's generated in paypal itself?

    also looking for some way to implement an agreement checkbox, so that when a user clicks the agree to terms checkbox, they can then press submit button to accept the terms of service, etc.

    sorry i'm being vague, because i'm still not 100% sure of how i'll be doing this myself.

    May 1, 05:07 PM
    Here you are

    Oct 5, 07:46 PM
    I have now updated the navigator.appName to browser=="Netscape".
    Can you see the alert now? Will Firefox users see it as well?

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