ell & nikki running scared

ell & nikki running scared. ell amp; nikki running scared.
  • ell amp; nikki running scared.

  • xlii
    Apr 20, 02:31 PM
    Learned how to drive a manual in 1969, on a '63 Plymouth Valiant. Taught myself by going up and down the driveway until I got the gas - clutch - shift - brake thing figured out. Wasn't too hard. What I like about it is you have to listen to the engine, you are more aware of what your car is doing. The only downside is in winter, on snow or ice going up a hill and having to do stop and go driving in those situations.

    ell & nikki running scared. ell amp; nikki running scared.
  • ell amp; nikki running scared.

  • Reverend Wally
    Jan 1, 08:24 PM
    Why not just build the "iThing" ....

    Sort of like Bruce Willis' apartment in The Fifth Element.

    A small rectangular object with an Apple dial on it that you call up the menu and can choose between an automobile (iCar) and menu again to choose the Macbook Pod, and when you get to the lot you live at you click on a menu item and your house comes out of the ground and you park your iCar and click on a menu item to open the lock on the door, then go into the iKitchen to make dinner in your iMicrowave.

    Oh yeah ... and all the doors and windows (yucky word) in the iHouse are shaped like the Apple logo.

    Hmmm .... even an Apple logo shaped iSwimming Pool.c


    ell & nikki running scared. 2nd place – Running Scared by
  • 2nd place – Running Scared by

  • Small White Car
    Apr 12, 09:49 PM
    No, but having features like face detection does suggest that it's a 'consumer' orientated product.

    Personally, I don't mind. As long as all the old multitrack features are still available (and the price significantly drops, to say, $50-$300,) then I intend to buy it.

    Eh. People bitched about Aperture getting these features too, but so far Aperture's never grabbed me by the neck and forced me to use them. I assume Final Cut will be the same.

    ell & nikki running scared. Ell and Nikki of Azerbaijan,
  • Ell and Nikki of Azerbaijan,

  • Small White Car
    Apr 12, 09:21 PM
    Which was understandable back in 2003 but with today's machines it was downright sad you had to 'wait while rendering'.

    Hey...forget about Final Cut Pro rendering...it was the Compressor exporting that mattered more to me! It was so frustrating to see a 20 hour render using only half of my computer's resources. I'm more excited to see how that all works now.

    ell & nikki running scared. ell amp; nikki running scared.
  • ell amp; nikki running scared.

  • Tomorrow
    Apr 20, 11:01 AM
    Automatics are for the elderly, and for fat and/or lazy people.


    Wow, really? :rolleyes:

    So if someone wants to buy a Corvette, and they're neither elderly, fat, nor lazy, they should shell out extra and order one with a manual transmission rather than buy one off the lot?

    If someone wants to buy a Ford Taurus, Nissan Maxima, Chevrolet Impala, or a host of similar cars, then they must be either elderly, fat, or lazy, right? Because none of those are available with a manual transmission.

    That's because you only have automatics to drive :p

    No, my first car had a manual transmission (on the column). It was even worse, but that's mostly because the car was a 1965 model and had no air conditioning, no power steering, no power brakes, no power windows, torn-up seats, and oddly chewed through right rear tail light bulbs at a blistering pace. That was back in the days when driving was less of a headache than it is today (I was much younger), but even then I would still rather ride shotgun.

    ell & nikki running scared. Ell amp; Nikki-Running Scared
  • Ell amp; Nikki-Running Scared

  • sorepheet
    Apr 11, 07:31 AM
    Currently own a 2007 Toyota Yaris manual transmission and LOVE it! Average 33 MPG, best MPG to date: 46!!!

    ell & nikki running scared. ell amp; nikki running scared.
  • ell amp; nikki running scared.

  • AlphaDogg
    Feb 25, 05:34 PM

    What stand is that (under the iMac)? What lamp is that? What external HDD is that and what interface does it use? What speakers are those? What iPod/iPhone stand is that?

    ell & nikki running scared. Ell and Nikki Photographs.
  • Ell and Nikki Photographs.

  • NAG
    Jan 12, 05:38 PM
    I'm just going to continue to play dense because.

    Anyway, I wonder if Time Canada is going to blow the story again.

    ell & nikki running scared. ell amp; nikki running scared.
  • ell amp; nikki running scared.

  • scottlinux
    Nov 27, 01:32 PM
    Many find two 17" LCDs more useful than one big LCD. Esp graphic artists, film composers, etc. They can have their tools/mixer open on one monitor, and the image or sequence open on another.

    Or if someone already has a big LCD, it would be a good compliment to put a 17" alongside it.

    ell & nikki running scared. ell amp; nikki running scared.
  • ell amp; nikki running scared.

  • Tmelon
    Apr 1, 03:22 PM
    You might consider yourself lucky. Mine have no "X" at all:mad:

    Bingo. All of my Apps from the App Store have the X.

    ell & nikki running scared. Ell and Nikki Photographs.
  • Ell and Nikki Photographs.

  • Phishin' it
    Oct 23, 09:32 AM

    That no longer exists. Go to the mbp page and click the core duo icon, and I get a page not found.

    This will probably change by the time anyone verifies it. :rolleyes:

    I got the same thing.

    ell & nikki running scared. ell amp; nikki running scared
  • ell amp; nikki running scared

  • barkmonster
    Apr 27, 06:26 AM
    Yes Amazon jump on the "it's generic" bandwagon. :rolleyes:

    Please lets just keep this thread about the response and not "But how is it generic. . ." "Apple didn't create App. . ." "Well Amazon is right it's generic. . ."

    I don't think it's generic that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it. I'm moving on.

    In general, "Applications" are what Apple run on their Mac OS platform "Apps" are what they run on their iOS platform, a cut down version of Mac OS X with a cut down but related and familiar name.

    Other operating systems (mobile based included) refer to software as "Programs". This has gone back as far as the days of DOS and Atari/Amiga.

    Apple have so much prior use of both the term Application to refer to software and App as the shortened term for iOS that Amazon are just picking a fight because Apple offer their own alternative to the Kindle and they don't like the competition.

    ell & nikki running scared. ell amp; nikki running scared
  • ell amp; nikki running scared

  • Cooknn
    Jul 18, 12:43 PM
    I used to be so eager for this to happen. I dreamed of Hi-Def movies on demand with iTunes music store karma. As far as rent vs buy - I see that alot of people are upset with the rental model for movies. I'm in the other camp. I don't want to own my movies. I want to watch them, then move on to the next flick when it's convenient. That being said, unless Apple can deliver Hi-Def movies to my HDTV I'll just wait for my forthcoming Playstation 3 and rent Blu-Ray titles from NetFlix (http://www.netflix.com/BrowseSelection?sgid=2444&hnjr=3). By Q1 '07 there should be a lot more movies for Blu-Ray ...and the karma with NetFlix isn't so bad I guess :o

    ell & nikki running scared. ell amp; nikki running scared
  • ell amp; nikki running scared

  • Madmic23
    Sep 1, 02:26 PM
    hopefully this 23 inch one adds something more than just a bigger screen....such as component RGB input which would allow me to hook my my xbox 360 to play. that would RULE.

    of course, that is unlikely.

    does anyone actually know how to use iMac screen to play xbox 360?

    You can already play your Xbox 360 on your iMac, just not in high def. Buy an EyeTV TV adapter that has the game mode, and you can play that way. The best input available on there is an Svideo connection, so you want get HD, but it's still a pretty crisp picture.

    ell & nikki running scared. ell amp; nikki running scared
  • ell amp; nikki running scared

  • azentropy
    Sep 15, 09:57 AM
    And I would recommend the iPhone 4 to everyone I know, almost all of whom use a case no matter what phone they have.

    Let's drop the car analogy, it's causing more trouble than my point is worth. Apple did not fix the issue YET, but they said they would. What would you have them do in the meantime? What would CR have them do? No doubt a product recall which would be silly overkill. Apple's solution is simple, free, and easy.

    CR wants them to include a free case in the box at the time of purchase. Isn't that a MORE "simple, free, and easy" solution than what Apple did and are now doing away with? Apple's solution is no longer "simple, free and easy" after Sep. 30th. BTW - it took 7 weeks for me to receive my case.

    ell & nikki running scared. ell amp; nikki running scared
  • ell amp; nikki running scared

  • milo
    Nov 16, 10:45 AM
    31% is a little disappointing for 2x the number of cores.

    But you're missing the fact that the 8 cores are at a slower clock speed. If you compare 4 versus 8 at the same clock, you're looking at a respectable 47% improvement.

    I almost NEVER use handbrake from an optical DVD. That makes no sense to me. Why would you do that? :confused:

    To rip DVD's. Why add additional, unnecessary steps?

    Apple REALLY needs to get apps like quicktime and iTunes to run on any number of cores. Even if they don't use multiple cores on a single file, it should be a piece of cake to get them to process multiple files at once. If I want to convert eight files, it should just run each conversion at once on a separate core - it's the equivalent of running eight copies of the app (which shouldn't be necessary).

    I'd love to see them run Logic Pro - it supports four cores finally, and I'd like to know if they just upped it to four or if it goes beyond that.

    ell & nikki running scared. ell amp; nikki running scared
  • ell amp; nikki running scared

  • mc68k
    Nov 18, 09:45 PM
    I'm just kind of guessing here but I think folding is costing me about $50 a month :eek:holy crap dude, thats why i fold at work. since big adv i shut off my 4ghz hackie folder

    how many machines do you have running?

    ell & nikki running scared. ell amp; nikki running scared.
  • ell amp; nikki running scared.

  • jgould
    Feb 23, 05:29 AM
    Handbrake comes VERY close to destroying my Macbook ha ha, the CPU goes up close to 90 degrees celsius! Terrifying!

    I gave up on running Handbrake on my MacBook of the same vintage, but only because kept loosing RAM and making it difficult to work. I started running Handbrake on the Mid 2007 Mac Mini instead.

    Haven't tried on the 2010 MBP that I just got. Might have to do that and see what we get...

    ell & nikki running scared. ell amp; nikki running scared
  • ell amp; nikki running scared

  • SactoGuy18
    Apr 16, 09:41 PM
    While I know how to drive a car with a manual shifter, here's a BIG problem nowadays: the quality of the shifter has really gone downhill in recent years. http://www.en.kolobok.us/smiles/big_standart/negative.gif

    Unless you're driving a BMW, Honda or Porsche, gear shifters on modern cars either are too "notchy" or overly-vague in terms of finding a gear, and the result is not very pleasant, especially in city driving.

    Besides, automatics and dual-clutch gearboxes--thanks to modern computer controls--have gotten really good in recent years. This is especially true with automatics that sport six to eight forward gears, which allows for a lot smoother automatic shifts between gears during acceleration. I've test-driven a 2011 US-market Hyundai Elantra saloon with Hyundai's own six-speed automatic and note how smooth the shifts are even during hard acceleration.

    Apr 19, 10:57 AM
    I heard a rumor that these will not have a retina display or BluRay. No, seriously. They won't. My source is never wrong.

    Dec 28, 12:38 AM
    Your the one who said a TV wouldn�t even work as a monitor.

    Uh, I said no such thing. Feel free to quote the sentence where I said that.

    Back on post 127 (http://forums.macrumors.com/showpost.php?p=3185268&postcount=127) of this thread you said:

    "Ok, I don�t know what a slingbox is� and I thought it was going to stream or operate like a TiVo, where it downloads while you are asleep, so it would need a harddrive."

    The point is it is going to stream, but not over the internet, it's going to stream from your Macs on your home network (Airport or otherwise), and TiVo doesn't download anything while you sleep, except an interactive TV guide.

    Here's the homepage (http://www.slingmedia.com/indexa.php) of Slingbox's makers. A Slingbox is made to transmit a signal from a digital cable or satellite receiver over the internet, and allow a person to control the receiver. This would allow you to watch your service anywhere conceivably.

    then you said:

    "Also, I�m not sure what you mean by TV? Do you mean a CRT with an aspect of 4:3? And, I would assume you don�t mean a flat panel LCD or Plasma, which now outsells tube tvs? A small HD plasma is 42�� and cost about $1000. I just got a Panny 9UK HD Plasma and it works quite will with a mac mini."

    Why would you assume I don't mean a Plasma or LCD? They are types of TV's as well. I don't have n HDTV but if I did I would probably get a tube-based HDTV because of the lower cost and better picture (less image ghosting, better color). Plus you stated Plasma and LCD TV's outsell tube-based, which I don't believe. Sounds like a line the TV salesmen gave you.

    You consistently rearrange some of my post where I�m just speculating. And at the same time you avoid my main points.
    I don't rearrange anything. I separate your posts into separate thoughts. I did split ONE sentence on the last reply. Each portion of your replies appear in the same order they did in your original post. Yes, I have cut material out, but the purpose of quoting a previous post isn't to repeat it in it's entirety.

    I also realize by streaming a movie we would just be renting it, but as a BluRay cost $1000, and if iTV is significantly less to watch the same movie in HD, this would be a reasonable solution. You also said you were waiting for the battle to be settled and that�s consistent to what I was pointing out that HD iTV would have a niche.
    Except Apple doesn't offer movies in HD. HD is still a niche itself until there is wider adoption of HD sets. It's a chicken and the egg problem. There's no rush to buy an HD set untill there is lots of exclusive programming for HDTV owners. But there will be little if any programming available in HD that is not available in SD as well untill more people buy HD sets, because advertisers want their message getting in front of as many eyes as possible. There's a reason cablecos only offer a dozen or so stations of HD out of the 250+ channels they offer.

    The price of HD-DVD and BluRay players both will fall soon. Just as the price of HDTV's is going to fall through the floor in the U.S. after analog broadcasting gets pulled in 2009. Digital TV (and by extension, HD) will no longer be a luxury service for the wealthy.

    You could also buy a PS3, a BluRay player for as low as $600. :D

    Sep 7, 02:52 PM
    I have been a Mac user since 1986. I'm not a superuser or a gamer, but the one thing I have learned is to avoid models with too much built-in obsolescence (e.g. my old firewire-less, low-resolution clamshell iBook and the late-model CD-burner-less white iBook G3 that replaced it, not to mention the Powerbook 150 [agh!], Mac Classic [aaagggh!], etc.). Except for the lack of built-in DVD capability, the lampshade 700 MHZ G4 iMac has been a great investment.

    So here is my question. Are the $599 mini and $999 iMac going to become obsolete much faster than the $1199 iMac? Do the dedicated video RAM and Core 2 Duo (iMacs) make much of difference? I already have an external DVD burner and plan to buy 2GB RAM.

    Mar 1, 02:36 PM
    I'm not very familiar with the differences between the fuels, other than gasoline is more refined.

    Diesel is no less refined than gasoline - it's a product of the exact same refinement process.

    Different carbon chains are gently boiled off by gradually raising the temperature of the crude. The smaller molecules are the first to burn off. Typically carbon chains 5-8 (pentane through octane) are sold as "gasoline." The next four or so are sold as "kerosene," or jet fuel. After that comes what we call "diesel." Each is as pure as the others, but diesel is made of larger, more complex carbon chains.

    I can see both sides of the diesel engine argument. It's hard to deny that diesel engines are, other things being equal, more fuel-efficient than gasoline engines. The higher compression ratio equals greater power output per gallon and greater torque. In the larger sizes that we usually see in trucks, they seem to last longer than gasoline engines, too. But the damn things are noisy, and the exhaust smells really bad.

    Jul 20, 10:19 AM
    With Netflix, you can't just say, "Let's watch a movie tonight." You have to plan ahead your movie schedule. Netflix will die once iTMS comes alone. It's all about instant instant instant.

    With NF you get three movies at a time, and you can get plans with more. It does require a little planning, but right now, the quantity of content you can get in a month for the price can't be beat. If you think it's so stupid, what do you propose as the smarter alternative?

    For iTMS to beat it, it would have to match netflix's pricing as well, which would be $1 or less per rental. I don't see that happening. They'd also have to have better quality and include all DVD extras with all movies.

    Until then, I'll happily stick with netflix.

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