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  • F123D
    May 1, 11:59 PM
    I heard they found him using findmyiphone:D

    I heard he had an iPhone 5.

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  • Celebrity Hairstyles

  • macstatic
    Jan 24, 12:55 PM
    Are there any Apple ][ emulators that work on Mac OSX Snow Leopard (preferrably free) and are reasonably uncomplicated to use/set up?

    The ones I've come across either don't work (OSX II (http://www.intergalactic.de/pages/OSXII.html) seemed promising, but I can't find any system ROMs that work with it -even the ones suggested in the readme file don't work). Other emulators such as Catakig (http://catakig.sourceforge.net/) don't seem to work either (the disks don't load) although the system ROMs seem to be accepted.

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  • AEMV
    Apr 12, 12:17 PM
    You are aware that Androids are also sold locked, right (except nexus)? Yes, some are available unlocked and there are locks of unlocks available....wait, that just like iPhones.

    carry on...

    No matter how you see it, its easier to live on the Android environment that the iOS environment for unlocking.

    Apple just made it nearly impossible.

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  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 15, 12:45 PM
    Gee, will I be able to pickup a copy of SOCOM when it comes out next Tuesday for the iPad? Or Rockstars new game in May? This is just personal preference, but that's the stuff I want to play on my TV.

    When Apple buys nintendo in 5 years.

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  • (Celebrity Hairstyles )

  • question fear
    Sep 27, 09:15 PM
    Who here saw "Commander in Chief"? I thought it was incredibly well written, Geena Davis did an amazing job, as did Donald Sutherland. I think if they continue on the path they were on tonight, addressing the types of issues a female president would encounter, rather than skirting them, it could be a very compelling drama.
    Any thoughts?

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  • applefan289
    Apr 1, 08:15 PM
    Currently have:

    27" iMac (2009)
    Airport Extreme
    iPad 1 (3G - 16GB)

    What's next?

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  • iostream.h
    Sep 18, 02:57 AM
    It doesn't validate yet, nor is it complete (some links aren't connected, etc..), so please just go on design/function.

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  • mjteix
    Apr 5, 09:50 AM
    I really don't think Apple will update the Air's with Sandy Bridge.

    Here is why, the high resolution display (1440X900) will make the Intel graphics a major downgrade from the 320m in performance. I think the Air will get updated with the next MBP update (2012) and the 13" MBP and MBA become one with Ivy processors. Also at this time I expect the 15" and 17" MBP's to become "Air" like with SSD storage, thinner, and lighter.

    I was holding out for the update, but came to this conclusion and made my purchase, which I couldn't be more satisfied with.

    I may be wrong, but I would rather have the 320m if they do update it, the Thunderbolt is what will hurt if you use external drives..

    So Intel's graphics are good enough for the 13" MBP that can support an external 30" display, but not for the MBA? Most LV/ULV Sandy Bridge cpus have the same HD3000 graphics as regular Core i5/i7 cpus used in the MBP. Sure they are clocked slightly lower, but it is probably already the case for the 320M.

    I don't see how Thunderbolt will hurt for external drives. If anything you'll get access to faster drives (RAID HDD, SSD (http://www.lacie.com/us/products/product.htm?id=10549)) it's better than what you can today with only USB2 ports.

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  • JollyJoeJoe
    Apr 22, 07:05 AM

    Once you flash the card with the EBC firmware, and the desired disk on the card has been selected as the boot location in OS X, it will boot (array, JBOD, or pass through).

    So I decided to go with the Areca 1880ix-12 since word on the internet :) is it outperforms the latest offerings from ATTO. Does it come with an 8088 cable as well to connect external storage solution or just the 8087 internal?

    Also with this MaxConnect HDD adapter solution for 3rd pary RAID should I go with this one with no miniSAS cable:

    MaxConnect BackPlane Attachment for Mac Pro [2010] Systems
    4 pcs of MaxConnect RAID Attachment (4 Disk Drives)
    2.5 inch Form Factor Disk Drive - SAS/SATA
    3.5 inch Form Factor Disk Drive - SAS/SATA
    Mounting Screws for the Disk Drive

    Or this one with miniSAS:
    MaxConnect BackPlane Attachment for Mac Pro [2010] Systems
    4 pcs of MaxConnect RAID Attachment (4 Disk Drives)
    2.5 inch Form Factor Disk Drive - SAS/SATA
    3.5 inch Form Factor Disk Drive - SAS/SATA
    Mounting Screws for the Disk Drive
    MiniSAS Cable for the Controller

    I presume the Areca controller already comes with an 8087 miniSAS to 4xSATA header cable, do I still need the miniSAS cable that MaxConnect are including in that latter package ? In general do you I need any other accessories besides the ones that come with this MaxConnect pack to connect my 4x SATA HDD's to the controller ?

    As for flashing I'll take your advice and do it through firefox, the older version too and not the new 4 that just came out. So it's browser management\flashing utility is available irrespective of whether the card is flashed to EFI yet or not? Considering that it would by default be with BIOS I presume this to be the case?


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  • mnkeybsness
    Aug 17, 07:01 PM
    Just for the mock up? Somewhere between $50 - $100 I think. Enless it was a good friend of mine, then they get my friends rate of a 6 pack ;)

    6 Pack???!!! That's CHEAP!

    I charge at least a case of 12 or a nice bottle of Rum.

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  • tlevier
    Mar 14, 05:21 PM
    The problem for the other tablet makers, currently, is the economy. IMO, if you aren't first, then you need to do something to penetrate the market. (There are multiple "firsts", 1st to market, 1st competitor...) By the time M$ and others hit the tablet market, they will have to penetrate. Their hardware will have to be superior and expensive and they will have to sell for a loss.

    This is where the economy comes in. No one's going to sell for a loss in a down economy. M$ xbox used this to penetrate the gaming market. If M$ didn't sell the xbox for a loss, the platform would never have been adopted and would have gone the way of so many before it.

    The only viable option I see right now for a competitor to Apple, is Amazon. Apple is built and sustained by iTunes. If Amazon can re-create iTunes and make it available on Android/WP7/RIM, Apple will get a run for their money.

    Amazon would be smart to become a viable iTunes competitor and then subsidize the cost of the hardware. Imagine buying a phone from Amazon with a carrier subsidization and an Amazon subsidization.

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  • Yellow 13
    Mar 26, 10:38 AM
    How the hell this does not get posted here? It's the best coming game of the year!

    I will only post images sorry :(

    If you want video, please go to YouTube and search for "Ace Combat Assault Horizon Trailer" (IGN's trailer is the original one, there's some extended parts. And other versions too)




    FULL GALLERY -------> http://asia.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/acecombatassaulthorizon/screenindex.html

    Btw, this isn't the first.





    well what do you think?

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  • Men Asian Hairstyles Ideas

  • mgpg89
    Apr 18, 09:11 AM
    My university's tech department uses several of THESE (http://www.newertech.com/products/charger_cond.php) to charge their library loaner Macbook batteries between checkouts. I asked them about it once as I was having the need to keep two batteries charged. Said that it helps with conditioning as well.

    Thanks, that looks really interesting.

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  • steadysignal
    Apr 22, 06:57 PM
    Finally. I've been flip-flopping for months over whether to get a Nook or a Kindle. I liked the Kindle more, but not being able to borrow library book almost nudge me towards the Nook. With this piece of news, Kindle is the clearly the reader for me.:cool:

    go kindle. more titles and now this.

    no brainer.

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  • linnarsson
    Nov 12, 05:56 AM

    Here's my desktop :) The wallpaper is my own named Rockingpaper! :cool:

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  • From: latesthairstylesartist.

  • Dagless
    Sep 7, 05:16 AM
    Yes with Game Center this has the chance at competing with 360 and PS3/steam etc and now that Unreal engine is ported to the iOS Gaming on the i Devices have no where to go but up.

    You're not on Twitter here, sentences!

    Right. No I don't think they could compete. Maybe in the casual market but then it would be up against the Wii which I don't think anyone can do just yet.

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  • rajah
    Apr 29, 03:18 PM
    It is better than MDP, as it supports chaining of two external monitors from the one port, which MDP does not. Plus like a further 4 TB devices as well all in the chain.

    I read this article http://circlesixmagazine.com/?p=4056 that basically said the same thing. Only, to clarify, it's not just 4 TB of devices more. I was under the impression that you could do up to 4 1080p monitors, with hard drives, or anything else, a digital mixer, a video capture card, etc.. The real question will be can you loop in more than 10TB worth of stuff and, so long as it's not monitors, have the use of them be determined by available bandwidth. What do you think?

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  • Loving right now: Braids

  • simeezee
    Apr 15, 11:10 PM
    Came across this article today.


    There's a big difference in both read and write speeds.

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  • Compile 'em all
    Mar 19, 07:06 PM
    Reading about the battery issues plaguing 4.3 for iPhone/iPad, I think I will pass.

    Oct 26, 12:48 PM
    Apple must think they issue patents for just about anything!

    Mar 15, 08:11 PM
    This is more entertaining than any of the recent front page items

    Jan 26, 12:08 AM
    Hey guys,

    I need alot of help. I convinced my sister to get an iBook a few months ago. I told her that mac is way easier than PC. Now it appears that her computer is freaking out. She is calling me for tech support and I don't know how to help her. She is having very strange problems. So I will have a series of threads to help me with these problems, I would greatly appreciate any input.

    First problem: She was having trouble with video (I will get into this later) and I told her to repair permissions, prebind, etc. To do this I had her get Cocktail, I figured it would be the easiest way.

    Now, after she ran it, she cannot open Microsoft Office or iPhoto. Office is the most pressing problem because she is a student. When she opens it she gets an error message telling her she has corrupt fonts (see attached pic). She then has to force quit, nothing will work. I would suggest a reinstall but she left the CD at home (the parents are mailing it up, so this will be an option later). I have ran out of ideas, but hate to leave my sister stranded! ANY IDEAS ON HOW TO FIX THIS?? Thank you all so much.


    Jan 9, 02:05 PM
    Just curious, is the coverage good out there? Whos the carrier?

    Sep 13, 02:54 AM
    The reason the Installer option for iTunes Phone Driver is greyed out is because it's already installed on your system!



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