blonde hair with brown underneath scene

blonde hair with brown underneath scene. Of course, two tone hair
  • Of course, two tone hair

  • *LTD*
    Apr 24, 03:40 PM
    There is a lot of Apple Dick riding going on. Their is nothing wrong with that. But at some point you have to wake up and look at the rest of the world. World wide in smartphone sells Iphone leads by a large margin. World wide Smartphone OSs, iPhone is generally in third or fourth place (Depends on who made it, Some put RIM in front of iOS). But the majority of them place Android or Symbian as the top selling OS.

    If many of your theories that android would disappear if the iPhone was on the same carrier holds no weight. AT&T is still selling millions of Android based phones next to the iPhone (that is was even when AT&T had a piss poor line up android phones.) Right now yes iPhone is selling more then android OS on verizon. But once the honey moon phase is over android based phones will slip back ahead in sells.

    And please for the love of all thats good stop going by your personal observations. Watch me do it. In my men of honor meetings on campus I see no iOS devices and half the room has Androids. In my history class there is an equal proportion of Android OS to iOS phones. its based on where and when you look however it does not represent the entire world.

    But this does my school did a survey online and we found as March 20 the Ratios look like this- Blackberry 17%, iOS 40, Android 35%, other ties in the rest. Highest selling phone: iPhone 4, iPhone 3gs, Lg Optimus 1 series of phones.

    Thanks for the anecdote.

    The iPhone sets the bar. Google has to flood the market with a lot of junk to achieve higher share. That's hardly impressive. Google is the MS of mobile. Hardly a compliment. License out your beta OS to anyone that can slam together a box, give it away, and away you go.

    The iPhone is still the #1 selling handset. Where are the iPhone killers? There aren't any. Because the competition doesn't know how to make one. Because Apple approaches tech from a totally different place.

    The iOS platform still dominates, and given the iPad's success, it'll be that way for the foreseeable future.

    Android enjoys highest smartphone market share. Yet the OS is pretty brutal and their ecosystem is a mess. So why do they have greater share? Not because they make a superior product, but because the only alternative to an iPhone was an Android-based device, and Eric T. Mole got to work licensing it out to everyone with no regard for design or User Experience. If you flood the market with what, 70+ (probably a lot more) devices and let everyone and their dog make the devices you'll eventually enjoy force of numbers.

    Android is given away free to anyone to manufacture, to make as many POS devices as they wish, to sell for peanuts, in massive volume.

    That's all it is. Market flooding at every price point and you get some sort of touchscreen and some sort of app store. And given Google's Microsoftian horizontal business model, that's all it'll ever be.

    For instance, THIS is the kind of total junk that Google puts their name to:

    And guess what: Dell went ahead and copied it. The DELL XCD28. Same junk. But Android market share just went up!

    Here's another amazing Android device:

    Anything to be proud of? But hey, they're dirt cheap. And uh . . . "open" or whatever.

    If Google actually *cared* about what they put the Android name to, if they actually gave a damn about the USER, would they allow this? Ask yourself that. That's the difference. There are some things Apple *will not* allow to exist - namely: garbage.

    Google does not care - I'll repeat that - DOES NOT CARE, about what happens to their OS, on what devices it's used, what the result is when someone like ZTE or Dell gets their hands on it. It's a great recipe for pushing huge amounts of volume. It's also a great recipe for manufacturing cheap, poorly-made phones in China. The upshot of all this is you get massively inflated market share, a good chunk owing to phones that should have never seen the light of day. Yes, you have the choice to buy junk. You have the choice to just buy a cheapie. Nothing inherently wrong with this. It's your call, right? HOWEVER, this also contributes to Android market share. That's the catch. The question is not just: how big is your market share? But also: what constitutes your market share?

    What constitutes Apple's market share? There's no chance for any confusion here. The iPhone. Same attention to detail in hardware and OS, same high-quality User Experience device to device. All the things that make it the #1 selling handset. There is no chance of junk. In fact, if you're Apple, you owe it to yourself to get as close to perfection as you can every time, because you only sell ONE phone, and not on every carrier, and your licensing is closed. Every last % of Apple's share is an iPhone. There is no chance for crap or inflated share from the sale of cheap commodity-phones.

    Apple's share constitutes the #1-selling handset. Exclusively. Android share constitutes: the good, the bad, and the downright ugly.

    How does Android market share look now? I'd wager it looks a bit different than before you looked at what's behind the numbers, that is, the kind of infrastructure that supports those high numbers.

    Yes, highest market share for Android. Until you go hunting for the REASON.

    blonde hair with brown underneath scene. Short Scene Hair Hairstyles
  • Short Scene Hair Hairstyles

  • firestarter
    Apr 24, 07:14 PM
    anyone born with a penis

    except a child of course

    That's not very christian of you.

    blonde hair with brown underneath scene. i want my hair dark rown with
  • i want my hair dark rown with

  • Auax
    Apr 24, 09:18 PM
    i just wonder what can we expecting with iphone 5?

    blonde hair with brown underneath scene.

  • Plutonius
    Apr 26, 04:05 PM
    Ah, a last minute vote by Aggie. It looks like he might not have purposely bolded his original vote. Add his name to the list for tomorrow.

    blonde hair with brown underneath scene. underneath her hair
  • underneath her hair

  • MacSA
    Jul 10, 10:10 AM
    Lets hope it doesnt end up costing as much as MS Office....:eek:

    blonde hair with brown underneath scene. Blonde Hair With Brown
  • Blonde Hair With Brown

  • RodThePlod
    Jul 11, 02:57 PM
    not so fast. remember 'origami'. "who?" "what??" yeh, exactly. msoft's tablet PC that generated a lot of buzz before it's launch. and when it launched, it promptly flopped, hence the hollow response when it's name is shouted. i agree that an xbox branded device will have to compete with both psp and ipod, and even nintendo's ds; and hence i don't think apple's in any real danger. nevertheless, it is 'bout that time they release another major ipod revision.

    Remember, though - Origami was another one of those projects where Microsoft do the software side and leave a number of third parties to do the hardware.

    With this new device, Microsoft will do the whole shebang in the same way as they do the Xbox - so there's certainly danger here; look how the Xbox impacted the console market!

    Apple are not resting on their laurels, though - I'm sure we'll see some pretty impressive updates to iPod because of this new competition. :D

    -- - for iPod users who love to travel

    blonde hair with brown underneath scene. londe hair with rown under
  • londe hair with rown under

  • Mr. McMac
    Sep 14, 11:30 AM
    This t shirt

    blonde hair with brown underneath scene. Blonde Hair With Brown
  • Blonde Hair With Brown

  • CorvusCamenarum
    Jul 24, 03:40 PM
    I'd be a lot happier with an Apple� trackball. Just my personal preference, but I can't stand mice.

    blonde hair with brown underneath scene. Awesome scene hair style
  • Awesome scene hair style

  • Surely
    Jan 30, 02:12 AM
    I bought a round trip ticket for my mother to come out here for a two week visit. It was very spur of the moment, and I'm glad she agreed to it.

    blonde hair with brown underneath scene. light rown hair with londe
  • light rown hair with londe

  • itickings
    Apr 14, 03:55 AM
    I would think an iWatch would be a great seller for Apple.

    Well, the iWatch (!5634260/the-ipod-nano-watch-is-here-and-it-is-glorious) has been out for a while now, hasn't it? ;)

    blonde hair with brown underneath scene. Short Scene Hair Hairstyles
  • Short Scene Hair Hairstyles

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 12, 10:14 AM
    TB isn't redundant right now, it's dormant. The TB port on the MBPs right now is effectively useless until there are peripherals to connect to it. But as this thread demonstrates they are coming. First to the pro market but it will drip down during the course of the year. I think Mac OS X 10.7 and iOS5 are going to provide more urgency for TB in consumer markets as well. WWDC will be the big kick off.


    First has to be first somehow. ;)

    I hope that iOS 5.0 and Mac OS X 10.7 (esp FCP) make TB much more clear to the peripheral makers and to the mass consumer.


    blonde hair with brown underneath scene. blond scene hair. i do not own
  • blond scene hair. i do not own

  • mrfoof82
    May 3, 07:46 AM
    No 512GB SSD option. I would've gladly paid the premium for it (+$1200 instead of +$750), considering how much of a PITA it is to get at that (full logic board removal).

    Choosing any SSD brings shipping time up from 1-3 days to 4-6 weeks.

    blonde hair with brown underneath scene. Blonde Hair With Brown
  • Blonde Hair With Brown

  • Joe The Dragon
    Apr 11, 09:05 PM
    I wonder how Thunderbolt will interact with the graphics card.

    I expect that the video signals (DisplayPort) go from the graphics card back through the PCI bus to the TB chip and then out through the TB ports to the monitor. So when you upgrade the graphics card, it works (thinking of computers with replaceable PCI cards here, e.g. a Mac Pro with TB). But this will likely require the support of the graphics card manufacturers, so we have cards that are "compatible" with TB...?

    Presumably one can still use the graphics cards' own video-out ports too.

    Guess we'll see.
    well TB seems to be add on to DP port. So VIDEO may work with a added in card and a voodoo 1 like loop back cable. But you don't TB tied to on board video and what about AMD / sever / upper mid - high end intel boards / other boards that don't have chipset / cpu based video. Some sever boards have on board pci based video.

    blonde hair with brown underneath scene. Blonde Hair Color, Brown
  • Blonde Hair Color, Brown

  • gibbz
    Apr 26, 12:00 PM
    No real surprise here. Apple has been charging for MobileMe. Why not this service.

    blonde hair with brown underneath scene. 55cm. Previous Blonde, Red and
  • 55cm. Previous Blonde, Red and

  • Moyank24
    Apr 25, 08:45 PM
    Nies. I don't have a comparison, but he's acting like he did when he was a werewolf.
    It's not much to go on, but he gave someone a temporary majority in the most nonchalant manner I can think of. It's just a pet theory, but it's the best I got for now.

    I'd hate to agree with you...but I thought that post was weird as well. Maybe it was the ha ha...

    blonde hair with brown underneath scene. londe hair dyed black. londe
  • londe hair dyed black. londe

  • buckdutter
    Oct 1, 04:26 PM
    wow Matt, you must live in a special area of Minneapolis, because my experience with AT&T coverage in Minny is terrible! I was over in St. Louis Park just yesterday and my wife and I both had NO SERVICE until we got into Edina, and when my wife was in downtown at her patent lawyers office (IDC) she had 1 bar on Edge, and could not stay connected for more than 30 seconds before dropping the call. Thankfully in Prior Lake, I have decent coverage.
    I have had Sprint service for 7 years before switching over 2 years ago with AT&T, and if it were not for this device, I would be back on Sprint.
    I am tired of all the excuses I hear from AT&T every time I call them about their coverage, its a joke. What makes me and everyone I know upset, is this is AT&T we are talking about, not a 3rd rate, fly by night provider... I pay a premium price every month, and do not get anywhere close to a premium service in return.
    I cant wait for this phone to be with a different carrier, the second it becomes available, I am switched over!

    I would get your phone checked. I have lived in Minneapolis and travel all over the Twin Cities for work...and I have never had an issue with coverage. Only place I used to consistently get dropped calls was 169 & 494 intersection. Either your are grossly exaggerating, or your phone is literally defective.

    One thing I have noticed is that the iPhone struggles switching from 3G to EDGE. My wife has an E71x, and I have played around with both in iffy areas. The E71x transitions (seemingly) seemlessly and easily...the iPhone hangs on 3G even at 0 bars if EDGE is available at 5. I am starting to suspect that some of these issues in various places are both network related (duh), and software related.

    At any rate...I have nothing but good things to say about the coverage in Minneapolis...and certainly have never had an issue stretching from a distance like St Louis park to Edina. I would get your phone checked.

    blonde hair with brown underneath scene. red hair blonde highlights.
  • red hair blonde highlights.

  • drewu
    May 2, 05:27 PM
    My friend is working an overnight with the visual team tonight at a UK apple store. that only means one thing. cannot wait for tomorrow.

    My friend works for Apple too, but he is working late tomorrow night.... but also said he has been informed (from other employees) that the refresh will be tomorrow daytime. Which is a bit odd. The only reason i can think of, it maybe they are delaying the POS until the US markets/stores/etc open. I am guessing Apple wouldn't be too keen to release something whilst the natives are still asleep!.... but your friend is working tonight.... soooo :confused:

    I really really hope macs are good! I have a �1500 HP, and a �1900 Sony Vaio, and both are playing up! After only 2 years! :confused:

    blonde hair with brown underneath scene. These londe hair highlights
  • These londe hair highlights

  • wovel
    May 4, 12:40 AM
    A real live AT&T customer care rep! Well that is as official as it gets. Everyone knows that Apple always informs carrier customer care reps of their future plans months in advance...

    Oh Wait. I heard from the Cinnabon guy that the US Government called him and officially informed him that Osama Bin Laden is still alive and being held in a secret chamber below Disney World or Disney Land.

    blonde hair with brown underneath scene. layered, londe hair with
  • layered, londe hair with

  • skunk
    Apr 27, 04:14 AM
    As long as my daughter is in there, I will have a say who goes in the bathroom.What are you going to do, big boy? Stand outside with a shotgun? Feel up anyone who approaches? What threat do you imagine a transgender person offers to your daughter? The fruit of the tree of knowledge?

    Apr 14, 03:50 AM
    "iX" = "Ix", which is the nickname for the character Ford Prefect in the book "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy".

    Obviously, the new Apple device is either a digital watch or a towel.

    I would think an iWatch would be a great seller for Apple.

    Sep 14, 09:08 AM

    Thanks. Watch for my YouTube� unboxing later. :p

    Apr 28, 04:38 PM
    If I can't get my hand around it, then it's a deal breaker for me.... :rolleyes:

    You are holding it wrong.



    Oct 18, 04:34 PM
    Restated much?

    Anyway, good news. :)

    I can only say one thing, after seeing another quarter of spectacular numbers by Apple...Dell's days are numbered. I would shut it down and give the money back to shareholders...:rolleyes:

    Apr 28, 03:02 PM
    Is there no duty to report a crime?

    Short answer: No.

    Longer answer: There is no general duty to report a crime, although in highly specific circumstances, reporting may be statutorily required. For example, a therapist is required to report child abuse, as are teachers, etc. Prosecutions under such laws for failure to report are extremely rare and almost never successful--the prosecution would have to prove the person knew the crime in question was being committed, which is very difficult to do.

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