Jun 23, 05:50 PM
Cool redeye, thanks for the update! And it's here about the same, the heat that is. Too hot to get some sleep. So, installing the widget at 00:48 CET is the best thing to do! :D And I think it's time to get this baby out of its Beta status and make it version 1.05. After this update, you have earned your rest, for the weekend that is :p
Mar 25, 10:27 AM
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8F190)
When you release the kinds of game-chaining products that Apple does, I'm kind of inclined to look the other way. Why not. Apple's earned special treatment for the time being. That is, for the time being.
Might doesn't make right. But being exceedingly awesome, does.
I know it sounds unfair, but **** it. Apple's changed the entire conditions of the game.
What if I came along and stole all of Apples patents and used them in a way that were above and beyond anything Apple created with them?
You're thought process of this situation is completely horrible.
When you release the kinds of game-chaining products that Apple does, I'm kind of inclined to look the other way. Why not. Apple's earned special treatment for the time being. That is, for the time being.
Might doesn't make right. But being exceedingly awesome, does.
I know it sounds unfair, but **** it. Apple's changed the entire conditions of the game.
What if I came along and stole all of Apples patents and used them in a way that were above and beyond anything Apple created with them?
You're thought process of this situation is completely horrible.
Sep 22, 07:15 AM
Originally posted by MacCoaster
I wouldn't say that 800MHz G4 would match 1.8GHz. Notice the 1.25GHz they used is *DUAL* processor 1.25GHz. Maybe *DUAL* 800MHzs.
Here's the link to their rating of an iMac 800MHz G4 and a 1.8Ghz P4, which puts the two within shouting distance of each other.
I wouldn't say that 800MHz G4 would match 1.8GHz. Notice the 1.25GHz they used is *DUAL* processor 1.25GHz. Maybe *DUAL* 800MHzs.
Here's the link to their rating of an iMac 800MHz G4 and a 1.8Ghz P4, which puts the two within shouting distance of each other.
Nov 14, 09:44 PM
http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)
Apple has announced a partnership with a number of airlines (http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2006/nov/14ipod.html) to provide in-flight iPod integration during flights.
According to the press release, these six airlines will begin offering their passengers iPod seat connections which power and charge their iPods during flight and allow the video content on their iPods to be viewed on the their seat back displays. The press release did not specify whether the iPod integration would be a first-class accommodation, as presumably that designation would be up to the individual airlines.
BOEING 747-400 -- The ultimate ipod accessory.:D :D :D :D :D
Apple has announced a partnership with a number of airlines (http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2006/nov/14ipod.html) to provide in-flight iPod integration during flights.
According to the press release, these six airlines will begin offering their passengers iPod seat connections which power and charge their iPods during flight and allow the video content on their iPods to be viewed on the their seat back displays. The press release did not specify whether the iPod integration would be a first-class accommodation, as presumably that designation would be up to the individual airlines.
BOEING 747-400 -- The ultimate ipod accessory.:D :D :D :D :D
Mar 21, 09:24 PM
Its funny that film and film cameras were so difficult to get right, but there was almost no post-processing. Now we shoot computers with lenses attached, get great technical results, yet post-process our photos to death.
Actually, for many people there was quite a bit of post-processing, but it was hidden from them: it was the hand-inspected print from ye olde local camera store, which would dial in what they believed were the appropriate corrections.
I do still suck.
My problem is leaving my camera on Auto. I just don't know which setting to use. The more I read and the more opinions I see, the more confused I get. Plus when I see a good subject I don't want to mess it up with my ill informed selections...
I did just buy the Bryan Peterson Understanding Exposure book, so hopefully that will help set me off in the right direction!
I agree with most of what you say, except.... I don't get the "Shoot only Full Manual" advice that is heard here and in other places.
If I have spent some $$ on a camera with a computer and a light meter, I figure I'm going to make it do at some of the work. The way I see it, I have a management job, and that is to decide what DoF and/or apparent motion I want to capture (composition) - and to ensure good exposure (quality control). The camera gets to do the grunt work of doing the calculations. It's the back-office.
Thanks for saying this.
I think that there's really two different aspects to this that both require appreciation.
The first is that having the personal knowledge of the variables that go into a proper exposure is a good thing...as well as more factors such as the trade-off of DOF versus Shutter, etc...this is most easily learned by inflicting the "pain" of full manual upon the student.
(like that contradiction? "Pain is Easy" :-)
However, once one knows the ropes ... and what is important - - including when it is/isn't important - - why not let the machine do the settings for a 'nominal' exposure? Afterall, that's what it is good at, and you can concentrate on more important stuff - - such as composition.
At the same time, knowing when to be ... unafraid ... of using the various camera settings is still a very good thing. For example, I revisited this just the other night while outside to shoot some 'big moon' photos:
I did a quick setup and did some shots to find that the auto exposure was totally blown out. Did the "quick cheat" to spin the one dial to override to -2 stops ... still too bright. Figured out that this was probably because I had forgotten to set the camera over to spot metering before going out in the dark...and in the dark, couldn't find that control. So instead of stumbling in the dark blind, I just spun it over to Manual and readjusted, recalling reading somewhere that the old "Sunny 16" rule (I had forgotten the "Moony 11" derivative) also applies to bright exposures of the full Moon to get an idea of just how many stops I was still over-exposing things. I didn't remember the correct rule of thumb, but with digital that doesn't matter as much: it got me quite close in just a few shots; the shot I liked best ended up at 1/320sec for a 280mm shot at f/4.9 / ISO 100...a bit more light-gathering than the correct rule, but more importantly, it was a full 7 stops lower than where the camera default settings were, and I got the whole shebang done in <2 minutes.
...which meant that I was able to get quickly back inside, before my wife was able to yell at me for being outside in the cold without any jacket.
Actually, for many people there was quite a bit of post-processing, but it was hidden from them: it was the hand-inspected print from ye olde local camera store, which would dial in what they believed were the appropriate corrections.
I do still suck.
My problem is leaving my camera on Auto. I just don't know which setting to use. The more I read and the more opinions I see, the more confused I get. Plus when I see a good subject I don't want to mess it up with my ill informed selections...
I did just buy the Bryan Peterson Understanding Exposure book, so hopefully that will help set me off in the right direction!
I agree with most of what you say, except.... I don't get the "Shoot only Full Manual" advice that is heard here and in other places.
If I have spent some $$ on a camera with a computer and a light meter, I figure I'm going to make it do at some of the work. The way I see it, I have a management job, and that is to decide what DoF and/or apparent motion I want to capture (composition) - and to ensure good exposure (quality control). The camera gets to do the grunt work of doing the calculations. It's the back-office.
Thanks for saying this.
I think that there's really two different aspects to this that both require appreciation.
The first is that having the personal knowledge of the variables that go into a proper exposure is a good thing...as well as more factors such as the trade-off of DOF versus Shutter, etc...this is most easily learned by inflicting the "pain" of full manual upon the student.
(like that contradiction? "Pain is Easy" :-)
However, once one knows the ropes ... and what is important - - including when it is/isn't important - - why not let the machine do the settings for a 'nominal' exposure? Afterall, that's what it is good at, and you can concentrate on more important stuff - - such as composition.
At the same time, knowing when to be ... unafraid ... of using the various camera settings is still a very good thing. For example, I revisited this just the other night while outside to shoot some 'big moon' photos:
I did a quick setup and did some shots to find that the auto exposure was totally blown out. Did the "quick cheat" to spin the one dial to override to -2 stops ... still too bright. Figured out that this was probably because I had forgotten to set the camera over to spot metering before going out in the dark...and in the dark, couldn't find that control. So instead of stumbling in the dark blind, I just spun it over to Manual and readjusted, recalling reading somewhere that the old "Sunny 16" rule (I had forgotten the "Moony 11" derivative) also applies to bright exposures of the full Moon to get an idea of just how many stops I was still over-exposing things. I didn't remember the correct rule of thumb, but with digital that doesn't matter as much: it got me quite close in just a few shots; the shot I liked best ended up at 1/320sec for a 280mm shot at f/4.9 / ISO 100...a bit more light-gathering than the correct rule, but more importantly, it was a full 7 stops lower than where the camera default settings were, and I got the whole shebang done in <2 minutes.
...which meant that I was able to get quickly back inside, before my wife was able to yell at me for being outside in the cold without any jacket.
Fast Shadow
Mar 29, 10:46 AM
Anyone else think this is a little too public? And it's not a very comfortable place to sit having coffee�no matter how good the food is. I imagine a couple of billionaires could have found a more comfortable and more private place for coffee and a chat, unless they're being deliberately "public".
Is this how they squash a rumour in sily-con valley? Media says these two hate each other's guts. Be seen being nice to each other in public.
Of course.
Is this how they squash a rumour in sily-con valley? Media says these two hate each other's guts. Be seen being nice to each other in public.
Of course.

Sep 17, 12:04 PM
Sorry dude, all the lights are red at this intersection.
Sadly, I agree. There are other possible explanations, but I'm afraid occam's razor (http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/OCCAMRAZ.html) applies here. ;)
Sadly, I agree. There are other possible explanations, but I'm afraid occam's razor (http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/OCCAMRAZ.html) applies here. ;)
Sep 15, 11:21 AM
Originally posted by MisterMe
I have not seen those posts, but then I have seen a lot of other bitching and moaning about one thing or another. Point No. 1: Although I don't have access to a 17" iMac, I do have Jaguar installed on my 2000 Firewire PowerBook G3. I don't see any of that choppiness and jerkiness that you mentioned. I would be astonished to find it on a faster machine like the 17" iMac. Point No. 2: Don't take anybody's word for it. Drive down to your nearest Apple retailer. Look at the machines yourself. That should end all arguments.
I have a recent ibook running jaguar - it has had a clean install (twice) and, quite frankly, its annoyingly slow. This is a current mac, running its current os, and its hardly acceptable - running illustrator? expect the beach ball, the same with large word documents. And I still see the beachball with annoying frequency in the finder. I don't care that this isnt the top of the range 3,000 quid machine - it is stupid to only expect acceptable performance in Word on the top of the line machine. No, don't take my word for it, go have a look at a fully loaded i-book
Again, have your actually seen this "choppiness" on that $2000 machine with the brand new OS? Now for the issue of MHz, browse the web sites of the expensive UNIX workstations and servers. Look at the clock speeds of the offerings from IBM, HP, SGI, and Sun. For the most part, you will see that their machines have clock speeds in the sub-GHz range. Yet these are the machines of choice when price is no object and the job must get done. Just think about this: these boards are filled with laments that effectively tell you that you need substaintially higher clock speeds to run a computer game than you need to simulate the gas flow in a jet engine. Don't you think that something is just a bit warped here?
these machines are 64-bit, with floating point performance that widdles all over apples current offerings. The reason they are used is for this feature alone - and yepI would rather run my simulations on a sparc box than a pc, although the cost of a cheap linux box is pushing us down that route. At some point there is a balance between cost and performance. Yes it is odd that I need the fastest box around to run ut2k3 acceptably, and i agree there is something wrong with the way the market is being driven, but I suppose if thats what customers want (and are prepared to pay for), this is what they'll get....
Think. Think. Think. Apple does not "appear" to be purposesly crippling its systems. The entirity of the corporation orbits about the Macintosh. No company would purposely cripple its central product. The fact that Apple is only one of two profitable personal computer manufacturers serve as loud testimony to the contrary. Just because a bunch of idle college students post things on the Internet does not make them so.
never intentionally 'crippled' a machine? what about teh video card on teh ibook?
I have not seen those posts, but then I have seen a lot of other bitching and moaning about one thing or another. Point No. 1: Although I don't have access to a 17" iMac, I do have Jaguar installed on my 2000 Firewire PowerBook G3. I don't see any of that choppiness and jerkiness that you mentioned. I would be astonished to find it on a faster machine like the 17" iMac. Point No. 2: Don't take anybody's word for it. Drive down to your nearest Apple retailer. Look at the machines yourself. That should end all arguments.
I have a recent ibook running jaguar - it has had a clean install (twice) and, quite frankly, its annoyingly slow. This is a current mac, running its current os, and its hardly acceptable - running illustrator? expect the beach ball, the same with large word documents. And I still see the beachball with annoying frequency in the finder. I don't care that this isnt the top of the range 3,000 quid machine - it is stupid to only expect acceptable performance in Word on the top of the line machine. No, don't take my word for it, go have a look at a fully loaded i-book
Again, have your actually seen this "choppiness" on that $2000 machine with the brand new OS? Now for the issue of MHz, browse the web sites of the expensive UNIX workstations and servers. Look at the clock speeds of the offerings from IBM, HP, SGI, and Sun. For the most part, you will see that their machines have clock speeds in the sub-GHz range. Yet these are the machines of choice when price is no object and the job must get done. Just think about this: these boards are filled with laments that effectively tell you that you need substaintially higher clock speeds to run a computer game than you need to simulate the gas flow in a jet engine. Don't you think that something is just a bit warped here?
these machines are 64-bit, with floating point performance that widdles all over apples current offerings. The reason they are used is for this feature alone - and yepI would rather run my simulations on a sparc box than a pc, although the cost of a cheap linux box is pushing us down that route. At some point there is a balance between cost and performance. Yes it is odd that I need the fastest box around to run ut2k3 acceptably, and i agree there is something wrong with the way the market is being driven, but I suppose if thats what customers want (and are prepared to pay for), this is what they'll get....
Think. Think. Think. Apple does not "appear" to be purposesly crippling its systems. The entirity of the corporation orbits about the Macintosh. No company would purposely cripple its central product. The fact that Apple is only one of two profitable personal computer manufacturers serve as loud testimony to the contrary. Just because a bunch of idle college students post things on the Internet does not make them so.
never intentionally 'crippled' a machine? what about teh video card on teh ibook?
Jun 14, 04:55 PM
That design is just awful. Reminds me of a cheesy alienware case:
I knew it looks like one of those cases, just didn't remember which! :D
I knew it looks like one of those cases, just didn't remember which! :D
Mar 11, 04:15 PM
So North Park is a lost cause? Anyone have any feedback on Knox?
Oct 27, 07:15 AM
Although it looks pretty nice, it is a half-assed approach to improvement.
- No spam management
- No full feature set (missing bounce, etc.)
- No full data set for the Address Book (still can't note bdays, etc.)
- No iCal integration with a fully editable calendar
Seriously would these things be too hard to do? Google does them so why doesn't Apple?
Sometimes I get the feeling that there are only interns working on .mac
- No spam management
- No full feature set (missing bounce, etc.)
- No full data set for the Address Book (still can't note bdays, etc.)
- No iCal integration with a fully editable calendar
Seriously would these things be too hard to do? Google does them so why doesn't Apple?
Sometimes I get the feeling that there are only interns working on .mac
Apr 21, 08:34 AM
In regards to the original question: I'm buying one as soon as it gets Sandy Bridge (as long as the 11" gets at least the 2537M and not the Celeron ULV that intel also makes).
Backlit keyboard would also be super but it's not a dealbreaker for me. I'll only use it for programming, communication and business apps so I don't care what GPU it has, but I could use the extra CPU power for VMWare. I also want it more futureproofed than the current model, I tend to hang on to my stuff for a long time (check my sig ;) )
Built-in 3G would also be an option that I would pay a lot of money for if it were offered.
Backlit keyboard would also be super but it's not a dealbreaker for me. I'll only use it for programming, communication and business apps so I don't care what GPU it has, but I could use the extra CPU power for VMWare. I also want it more futureproofed than the current model, I tend to hang on to my stuff for a long time (check my sig ;) )
Built-in 3G would also be an option that I would pay a lot of money for if it were offered.
Feb 21, 06:55 PM
So I got an offer in the mail for a free Microcell. Just picked it up, no hassle or anything. My condo had horrible reception, but now its all good. Anyone else?
I live in the Haight District in San Francisco.
I live in the Haight District in San Francisco.
Feb 26, 02:40 PM
Very well said - the absurd pension benefits they get for so little time is a glaring example of the abuse of power that our elected parasites exhibit.
It's absurd. You're vested in the program after 5 years. A Senator's term is 6. :rolleyes:
It's absurd. You're vested in the program after 5 years. A Senator's term is 6. :rolleyes:

Mar 27, 02:35 PM
Nice dude, you really had to go there right? A good'ol racist comment.
how was the statement racist?
how was the statement racist?
Apr 6, 01:19 PM
Might as well spend some of that bloated budget on something good.
Ever served in the Military?
Ever served in the Military?
May 4, 02:00 AM
Who's your provider ? I'm in the NL and never heard of those speeds. It must be a niche fiber offer and certainly not widespread in the country !
Why Hong Kong? I live in The Netherlands and got a 120Mbit/s download.
If the server is willing, I can download at 14MByte/s max.
Who's your provider ? I'm in the NL and never heard of those speeds. It must be a niche fiber offer and certainly not widespread in the country !
Why Hong Kong? I live in The Netherlands and got a 120Mbit/s download.
If the server is willing, I can download at 14MByte/s max.
Mar 10, 04:09 AM
Does anybody else beside me think the launch titles suck?
I was gonna pre-order the 3DS but I don't like any of the games. I'd be buying some random game just to try out a $250 piece of hardware.
Yes... They do.
If it wasn't for the fact that the store is offering a trade up policy for my dsi xl for €110 as opposed to €260 then I would not be getting one at this time.
But with the reduction in price / trade up for me it makes better sense to get one now whilst this offer is open than wait 6 mnths for more games and have to pay full price for the 3ds hardware.
I was gonna pre-order the 3DS but I don't like any of the games. I'd be buying some random game just to try out a $250 piece of hardware.
Yes... They do.
If it wasn't for the fact that the store is offering a trade up policy for my dsi xl for €110 as opposed to €260 then I would not be getting one at this time.
But with the reduction in price / trade up for me it makes better sense to get one now whilst this offer is open than wait 6 mnths for more games and have to pay full price for the 3ds hardware.
Oct 6, 09:54 AM
http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2010/10/06/new-iphone-form-factors-coming-soon/)
Nov 28, 06:02 PM
What is it with the comments like..... A kid can deliver what apple couldn't ?
There is a reason why Apple has delayed the release of the white iPhones. Apple is about quality, and they are not going to release an inferior product that they know is going to cause a lot of problems once it goes out to the public. Just look at how carried away people got when they started having reception problems.
As for this kid... Anybody read the Terms and conditions on his site ? He states that everything he sells is as-is. Once it leaves his door, then he is not responsible for the product, even if it arrives to you defective. And the worst part is that changing the case voids your apple warranty. If your phone dies in 3 months, then Apple can refuse to repair it because you took the phone apart.
There is a reason why Apple has delayed the release of the white iPhones. Apple is about quality, and they are not going to release an inferior product that they know is going to cause a lot of problems once it goes out to the public. Just look at how carried away people got when they started having reception problems.
As for this kid... Anybody read the Terms and conditions on his site ? He states that everything he sells is as-is. Once it leaves his door, then he is not responsible for the product, even if it arrives to you defective. And the worst part is that changing the case voids your apple warranty. If your phone dies in 3 months, then Apple can refuse to repair it because you took the phone apart.
Thomas Harte
Nov 11, 06:01 AM
Please tell me Japanese guys at least comb their hair.
I think it varies from Japanese guy to Japanese guy.
I think it varies from Japanese guy to Japanese guy.
Mar 8, 05:42 PM
Macbook Pro keyboard!
http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5175/5510770436_a24e5fc2de_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/59686301@N05/5510770436/)
http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5175/5510770436_a24e5fc2de_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/59686301@N05/5510770436/)
Apr 5, 06:25 AM
Can we please make a sticky about this? It seems like this question is asked at least 3 times a month.
Except that it won't cut down on the posts, they have that information in the FAQ and yet it doesn't help
Except that it won't cut down on the posts, they have that information in the FAQ and yet it doesn't help
Michael CM1
Jun 21, 12:45 AM
Thanks for all the input.
I honestly haven't played much of the games some of you listed as platform-specific. I bought a Wii because of the virtual console games from old systems and the Zelda: Twilight Princess game available at launch. It was also $250 at the time versus like $400 and $600. I like a lot of the games I have bought for it, but damned EA Sports and it's awful NCAA Football attempt.
I think I like FPS games, but it of course depends on which one. I've heard a lot about Halo being good. I remember David Pollack talking about playing that with his roommates when he was at UGA. I think that was in the Halo 2 days. I liked playing Half-Life in college on our network, but I didn't play much of the story. SOCOM: US Navy SEALs was pretty awesome on the PS2, but I got stuck at a couple of parts on it.
As I said, I heard about a Magic: The Gathering game on 360 that sounds interesting. In my PC days, there was an online PC version of that game that I enjoyed a bit.
Someone may need to explain the point of such big hard disks to me on the 360 and PS3. I know you can download movies and such, but I'm still a disc whore/Apple whore. I've got a lot of BDs and DVDs that I use, plus I plan on getting an Apple TV whenever Steve-o decides to update it. I watch a TON of my DVDs ripped to my computer. The Wii has storage space mostly for saves and VC games. I have a 4GB SD card in there, which is way more than I need. See I'd buy the $250 system with two free games if not for the insanity of $90 for a WiFi adapter. My Wii has WiFi built in and costs $200 now. Microsoft, c'mon.
One last thing probably is system reliability. I've had a Wii since launch with no problems. I bought a PS2 before the slimming and it stopped playing stuff effectively, which forced me to buy a Slim. I don't know anybody who owned a PS2 who didn't have to do that. Consider me wary of Sony because of that, just this time the hardware has cost twice as much. I have two BD players. Yeah, it would be neat to have a newer one to replace my pre-Netflix streaming system that loads a little slow, but it still plays mostly fine. I've got another much better BD player, both of these Samsungs, and it's kick-ass.
Thanks again for the info. My only hangup right now on deciding on a 360 is the stinkin' Live Gold card. At least I don't have to buy that upfront. Oh yeah, I also don't want to see Tim Tebow's stupid face on NCAA Football for the next year. I would pay $100 for the game if I could get anybody on the cover but that douche. Unfortunately, even a replaced cover won't cover up the art in the game. AUGGH.
I honestly haven't played much of the games some of you listed as platform-specific. I bought a Wii because of the virtual console games from old systems and the Zelda: Twilight Princess game available at launch. It was also $250 at the time versus like $400 and $600. I like a lot of the games I have bought for it, but damned EA Sports and it's awful NCAA Football attempt.
I think I like FPS games, but it of course depends on which one. I've heard a lot about Halo being good. I remember David Pollack talking about playing that with his roommates when he was at UGA. I think that was in the Halo 2 days. I liked playing Half-Life in college on our network, but I didn't play much of the story. SOCOM: US Navy SEALs was pretty awesome on the PS2, but I got stuck at a couple of parts on it.
As I said, I heard about a Magic: The Gathering game on 360 that sounds interesting. In my PC days, there was an online PC version of that game that I enjoyed a bit.
Someone may need to explain the point of such big hard disks to me on the 360 and PS3. I know you can download movies and such, but I'm still a disc whore/Apple whore. I've got a lot of BDs and DVDs that I use, plus I plan on getting an Apple TV whenever Steve-o decides to update it. I watch a TON of my DVDs ripped to my computer. The Wii has storage space mostly for saves and VC games. I have a 4GB SD card in there, which is way more than I need. See I'd buy the $250 system with two free games if not for the insanity of $90 for a WiFi adapter. My Wii has WiFi built in and costs $200 now. Microsoft, c'mon.
One last thing probably is system reliability. I've had a Wii since launch with no problems. I bought a PS2 before the slimming and it stopped playing stuff effectively, which forced me to buy a Slim. I don't know anybody who owned a PS2 who didn't have to do that. Consider me wary of Sony because of that, just this time the hardware has cost twice as much. I have two BD players. Yeah, it would be neat to have a newer one to replace my pre-Netflix streaming system that loads a little slow, but it still plays mostly fine. I've got another much better BD player, both of these Samsungs, and it's kick-ass.
Thanks again for the info. My only hangup right now on deciding on a 360 is the stinkin' Live Gold card. At least I don't have to buy that upfront. Oh yeah, I also don't want to see Tim Tebow's stupid face on NCAA Football for the next year. I would pay $100 for the game if I could get anybody on the cover but that douche. Unfortunately, even a replaced cover won't cover up the art in the game. AUGGH.
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